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"Ter Petrosian has chosen a nonpolitical way of struggle"


[03:01 pm] 26 December, 2007

`The recent rallies organized by the former
president’s team take a hysterical turn and break
democratic rules,’ Deputy Chairman of the Republican
Party (HHK) Galust Sahakian said today.

When asked to bring examples of breaches and
treachery, the latter merely said, `Attempts are being
made to destabilize the country.’

It is due to mention that the HHK deputy chairman
refrained from giving assessments to Ter-Petrossian
during the whole press service. He only spoke of
Ter-Petrossian’s team and the rallies.

On the whole, Sahakian is skeptical about the rallies.
`A clear-cut distinction should be made between
rallies and everyday gatherings,’ the HHK deputy
chairman advised reporters.

`Distant villages may believe that over 90-100
thousand people attend the rallies. But Yerevan
civilians know that the square can hold only 20
thousand people, no more,’ Sahakian said.

Republicans are not going to `backfire’ on the first
president as `the party’s huge capital will promote
the victory of their candidate.’

In reply to A1+’s question whether Kocharian no longer
adheres to their team as he always responds to the
first president’s announcements, Sahakian said
`Kocharian only refers to slanders.’

And why doesn’t Kocharian answer Ter-Petrossian’s
straightforward question, `Where are the 148 million

`We should also pose a question, `Where is the mazut?’
Sahakian said in answer.

According to Galust Sahakian the first president has
chosen a non-political way of struggle and the
Republicans don’t want to be engaged in it.

`The Republican Party has a rich cadre bank, and
Robert Kocharian has a leading position there,’ Galust
Sahakian said.

At the same time, the member of the Republican Party
said the party has not discussed the issue of
nomination of Robert Kocharian for the post of prime
minister. The party will name the future prime
minister after the presidential election.

Maghakian Mike:
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