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Turkey vs. France: a Clash – Part of the Freemasonic Plan for Europe

American Chronicle, CA
Dec 28 2007

Turkey vs. France: a Clash – Part of the Freemasonic Plan for Europe

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
December 27, 2007

It was about time for someone to cross Rubicon in… Turkey; for
several years, the country faced an undeclared multi-frontal war
without anybody denouncing – utterly and categorically -, protesting
and reacting against Turkey’s real, empathetic, and hysterical enemy:

Both, the military establishment and the political authorities (in
the government and the opposition), have undeservedly stuck to a
wooden language, as well as to diplomatic and indirect accusations,
as if the undeclared war against Turkey would end because of their
disregard of it!

Turkish Laxity toward France to end

Yet, it is well documented throughout History that longer you ignore
an adversary pursuing an undeclared war, longer he will stick to his
destructive policies. It is basics in Diplomatic History that more
you disregard your opponents’ efforts, more convinced they will be
about the effectiveness of their inimical endeavors.

Turkish laxity can be understood for the military establishment, as
by overtly reacting, they would trigger unreasonable and ridiculous,
though destructive, comments about Turkish army’s interference in the

Turkish governmental negligence is due to the fact that the former
Foreign Minister and incumbent President is a Freemason, initiated in
a fake lodge – dependency of the Apostate Anglo-French Freemasonic
Lodge – in London, has got the English `friendly’, I am sorry
‘brotherly’, ‘advice’ not to attack the Anti-Turkish French
establishment `because British diplomacy is in favour of Turkey’s
adhesion to EU’ (and they would manage to calm the French down in the
long run).

What cannot be excused is the carelessness and the inaptitude of the
Turkish political parties of the opposition that do not understand
how useful a Turkish straight attack against France and its political
establishment would be for Turkey at the national level, and for them
at the political level.

European Foreign Ministers’ Duplicity

However, it is only a wonderful surprise to see TÜSIAD, the Turkish
Industrialists’ and Businessmen’s Association, lead Turkey to a badly
needed confrontation that should become Turkey’s primary national
target. It was due to the formulation endorsed – under strong French
pressure – by the EU foreign ministers in a statement of EU

As Zaman reported, `the role played by France in the making of the
statement sparked harsh reaction from leading representatives of the
Turkish business’
( ar.do?load=detay&link=129222).

As a matter of fact, on Monday, December 10, a statement issued by
the EU foreign ministers omitted the words "accession" or
"membership" in connection with Turkey. This, said at a time
negotiations advance between Ankara and Brussels, bears witness to
European duplicity, hypocrisy and conspiracy against Turkey. The term
used for the cases of Turkey and Croatia was "intergovernmental
conferences", which is an aberration and comedy. As it became known,
it was France, and not the ridiculous nationalist `president’ of
South Cyprus, that rejected any mention to "accession conferences",
as an additional proof of the French Anti-Turkish empathy.

Turkish Businessmen react: `A democracy against another democracy’

On Tuesday, December 13, the Turkish Industrialists’ and
Businessmen’s Association (TÜSIAD) issued a statement in which, among
other points, the following was stressed: "The illegal resistance
shown by a democracy against another democracy — which could be
considered as pathological in this direction — is in contradiction
with idealism, which is a basis for European integration and sets a
block in front of development of natural relations between the two
countries". This was an ostensible reference to the French efforts
involved in the generation of the EU statement.

TÜSIAD statement underscored the Turkish Private Sector’s assessment
that it was not possible to understand efforts by France, which is
expected to take the rotating EU presidency in the second half of
2008, and then block off roads to EU membership for Turkey.

The governmental reaction was more diplomatic; in a statement
released by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Levent Bilman hours after
the EU statement’s release, France was not named, even indirectly,
and the blame was put on "the stance of one member country [which]
cannot be met with understanding". Levent Bilman commented that "even
though the declaration confirms Turkey’s full membership objective
… the fact that this was referred to in an indirect way has led to
serious displeasure", adding that Turkey welcomes efforts of support
deployed by "other member countries that form the majority within the

Haluk Kabaalioðlu, Director of the Economic Development Foundation
(IKV), an NGO representing the Turkish private sector’s interests
regarding the EU, commenting on the statement, said that "the
omitting of the word accession is far from seriousness and is an
approach in violation of the principle of pacta sunt servanda, which
is one of the basic values of the EU".

Anglo-French Freemasonic Target: Turkey aligned with Russia against

As it is known, France advocates a special partnership with Turkey
instead of full EU membership; what is not known is why the French
pursue this policy. The explanation is simple.

Turkey will never accept any sort of special partnership because this
would simply consist in explicitly racist and unfair treatment, and
at the same time it would be a national humiliation, following many
decades of rapprochement and goals supposedly set for a final
adhesion. In view of Turkey’s European identity and Turkey’s
outperformance of several Balkan member countries (Bulgaria and
Romania), a possible rejection of Turkey’s adhesion can be justified
only through divergence at the level of legislation and the political
life. With Turkey readjusting its economy and legislation, any
European pretext will simply be a point of Anti-Turkish duplicity and

With Turkey rejecting special partnership, the ridiculous
pseudo-concept of a fake Mediterranean Union or any other type of
association, and with the expected and methodically triggered
deterioration of the Euro-Russian relationship, the way will be
cleared for a great Turco-Russian alliance against Europe and Israel.

The Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that totally controls and guides the
English and French establishments wants to mount precisely this sort
of confrontation for inner developments in Europe.

First, they have to confront – in Europe and the world – the very
opposite plans of Vatican that pursues completely different goals in
Europe and the world, particularly the Middle East and Jerusalem.

Second, the present situation in Europe does not correspond to an
ideal situation for the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge that cannot set
its policies and tactics within the current context.

A major Euro-Oriental confrontation, with Russia and Turkey aligned
(which means Islamic – Christian Orthodox alliance) and in control of
Europe’s Muslims, would generate precisely the targeted, final Europe
– Roman Empire reinstated. It will not come easily, and it will be
the byproduct of an extraordinary ordeal, clash, and confrontations
in Europe.

However, the Anglo-French Freemasonic elites believe that they will
finally manage to survive and exterminate a revolutionary Muslim
ruler who would call for Europe’s ultimate Islamization, and would be
used against their traditional opponent, Vatican in order to
exterminate Roman Papacy.

The European leader, who would call for European resistance,
basically on non Christian but rather Ancient Greek and Roman terms,
would be helped tremendously by the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge in
order to impose a paranoiac and anti-democratic regime whereby the
homosexual practices of Ancient Athens would be generalized, and life
would be totally controlled in an inhuman way.

What Turkey’s reaction should be?

It is high time for Turkey’s establishment, financial, military,
academic, intellectual and political, to understand that the only way
to prevent a war is … a war; another war.

In the light of such bias, Turkey must understand that the hysteria
of some Europeans to a large scale Turkish invasion of Iraq, the
paranoia of the parliamentary votes for the fallacious story of the
Armenian Genocide, the creation of the `Kurdish’ problem, Europe’s
anti-Albanian and anti-Islamic stance in Kosova, Europe’s unfair
stance as regards the various Turkish minorities in Romania, Moldova,
Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria, and above all the perfidious English
opposition to a formal independence of the Turkish Republic of
Northern Cyprus, are all parts of the same conspiracy.

To stop France’s anti-Turkish stance, Turkey must realize that France
will cease its incessant hostility, only if gravely attacked and
severely wounded on its own territory.

If France is involved in Kurdistan, Turkey must fuel mayhem in
Corsica to lead Corsicans to Final Secession from France and

If France is involved in the Armenian Genocide myth fabrication and
propagation, Turkey must provoke a mobilization of France’s Basks and
Catalans against the racist French state.

If France rejects Turkey’s adhesion to the EU, Turkey must
reinvigorate Breton nationalism and Gaelic anti-Frankism to plunge
France in a civil war without end.

If France pursues in the Middle East and Northern Africa policies
that are in conflict with Turkey’s interests, Turkey must stimulate a
rebellion in `French’ Polynesia – in close alliance with Australia
and New Zealand.

If France opposes Turkish interests in the Balkans, French embassies,
consulates, institutes and companies must become targets for local
people, in Algeria, in Sudan, in Pakistan, in Yemen, in Uzbekistan,
and elsewhere; they must be attacked and closed down.

If France insists on its colonial policy, without consenting to
solemnly reject it, apologize, and pay due recompense, Turkey must
instigate the oppressed Occitans of France to uprising.

The aforementioned is just an indicative note; in a forthcoming
article, we will expand on the measures Turkey has to take against
France – leaving always religion out of politics.

Any use of Islam in a confrontation with the Anglo-French regimes is
pre-calculated and premeditated by these establishments, and can work
to their profit only. Adding to the already advanced radicalism, any
use of Islam in a confrontation with the West would push developments
to the direction the Anglo-French Freemasonic elites have
prescheduled and definitely and passionately want. It is essential
for Turkey, while keeping good relations and cooperating with Russia,
to avoid a Euro-Oriental confrontation, which is a planned project.

The damage of France and England must be inner, internal, and the
crimes perpetrated by the ignominious Apostate Freemasonic
establishment against the oppressed nations of the Irish, the Scots,
the Welch, the Bretons, the Occitans, the Corsicans, the Basks, the
Catalans, and the Alsatians must come to surface and be met with
Justice. Without giving the Anglo-French establishment the
opportunity to consider the strife as external, and turn it to a
Euro-Islamic or Euro-Oriental war.


Picture: The 4th Crusade and the Fall of Constantinople to the
Barbaric Frankish soldiers; today’s Turks must read and read and read
the History of the Eastern Roman Empire, if they want to correctly
understand the Satanic nature of France.


Harutyunian Christine:
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