Categories: News

Yezidi want water


[03:20 pm] 25 December, 2007

Today Yezidi residents of Shenkan village in
Aragatsotn region gathered in front of the Government
building, since they have been deprived of water for 3
years. According to yezidi, they have appealed to
various instances for many times, but received no

`The small lakes are dried, and neither we nor the
cattle have water to drink’, said Safto Tamoyan.

About 40-50 families live in the village and they are
ready to move to another resident `only not to dye,
since it is impossible to live in the village any
longer’. Yezidi keep 300 big and 600 small cattle.

`Unfortunately, it does not snow this year so that we
could melt it and drink, we will die’, says Alikvaziri

Jasam Bakoyan says that they have been bringing water
from the neighboring village until the recent period,
but they are not allowed now.

Yezidi nation organized a protest action in front of
the Government building previously and no one paid
attention to them.

The demonstrators want to meet the Prime Minister, but
if the latter refuses to receive them they are going
to organize a sit down strike.

Vorskanian Yeghisabet:
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