NKR: For Satisfying Normal Vital Activity


Azat Artsakh Tert
Jan 8 2008
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

At the conference convened on January 7th by the NKR Prime Minister
A.Haroutyunian, the situation arisen because of unfavourable weather
in the republic was discussed. Because of oncoming frost and heavy
snow, problems arose in the spheres of roads, electricity and water
supply. The executives of corresponding departments informed the head
of the Government, that works were done for abolishing the accidents
and impediments.

By the information of the NKR Minister of urban planning A.Mamounts,
Goris-Stepanakert highway was operatively controled, which then
was open.

Because of the accidents of water-pipes, a number of buildings
of Stepanakert are not supplied with water. The Prime Minister
A.Haroutyunian demanded special attention to especially that problem.

He assigned tasks to the participants of the conference, emphasizing,
that today’s stuff and technical innerpower should keep ready for
overcoming quickly the expected weather complications, for satisfying
normal vital activity of the population. (Administration of relationts
with the NKR Government’s information and community).