NKR: New Year With New Surprises

Laura Grigorian

Azat Artsakh Tert
Jan 8 2008
Nagorno Karabakh Republic

The New Year began with surprises for new-borns and their mothers of
the republican maternity hospital of Stepanakert: "Artsakharevtur"
closed joint-stock company had prepared gifts for them. On the purpose
of presenting the gifts to addressees, on January 1st the Minister
of Health Armen Khachatrian, Minister of Social Maintenance Narine
Azatian together with the benefactor visited maternity hospital. This
day all the new-borns and mothers received gifts.

The visit of the Minister of Social Maintenance to republican maternity
hospital also persued another aim: to present with maternal capital
foreseen by a new decision of the Government in connection with a
birth of the 3rd and more child to addressees. Unfortunately, this
day in the maternity hospital a birth corresponding to the decision
wasn’t registered.

Let’s add, that the first birth of 2008 was registered in the midnight
of a New Year, at 00:25. But in 2008 a number of births registered
in the republican maternity hospital, by condition of January 7,
compiles 15, 8 of them are boys, 7 – girls.