They Pursue Their Own Interests


Jan 7 2008

The conclusion of the international observers opposed to the
opposition’s protest against the outcome of the Georgian presidential
election and statements on election fraud. The observers said the
election was legitimate, and only pointed to some drawbacks which
should be eliminated. The same picture was in Armenia during the
parliamentary election and will probably repeat in the presidential
election after February 19 when the outcome of the voting is
released. As to whose interests the international observers will
pursue in the presidential election, we tried to find out the opinion
of our readers who were offered three options of answer over the
past three weeks: government’s interests, society’s interests and
their own interests. The majority of our readers, 85 percent, voted
their own interests. 6.4 percent think the observers will pursue the
government’s interests, and 8.6 think the observers will uphold the
society’s interests.