30 Percent Of Scales Are Accurate


Jan 10 2008

On the eve of New Year besides the soaring prices of goods the problem
of underweight aggravated, which persists always. The problem of
underweight was raised by the head of the Protection of Consumers’
Rights NGO Abgar Yeghoyan in a news conference on January 10 at the
Pastark Club.

According to him, there is no checking of scales on the consumer
market, only 6 thousand scales were checked in Armenia. "Two kinds
of scales are used in Armenia, mechanical and electronic. According
to the National Institute of Measurement, last year 6000 scales were
checked. According to the law on common measurements, the scales much
be checked for accuracy once a year. On average, there are 20-25
thousand scales in Armenia used in shops, excluding scales used in
outdoor trade," Abgar Yeghoyan says.

According to him, a breach is fined 50-100 thousand drams. Abgar
Yeghoyan says income from short weight is multiple, and a businessman
prefers to pay a fine of 100 thousand drams from his income from
short weight goods. Abgar Yeghoyan proposes raising the fine from
100 thousand to 250 thousand drams.