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Eastern Prelacy: Crossroads E-Newsletter – 1/10/2008

Eastern Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
138 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016
Tel: 212-689-7810
Fax: 212-689-7168
e-mail: info@armenianprelacy.org
Contact: Iris Papazian

JANUARY 10, 2008

Prelacy parishes report that an extraordinary large number of their
Faithful attended Christmas (Feast of the Theophany) services on Sunday,
January 6. In the tradition of the Armenian Church, the Christmas
celebrations continue for eight days, from January 6 to January 13, in
commemoration of the following events: the Birth and Baptism, the killing of
babes in Bethlehem, Annunciation, Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth, and the
Naming of our Lord.

On Sunday evening, January 6, Archbishop Oshagan greeted a large number of
friends from the tri-state area at his annual Christmas reception at the
Prelacy headquarters in New York City, hosted by the Prelacy Ladies Guild.
His Eminence received the good wishes expressed by the attendees for a
fruitful and healthy New Year.
Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral, conducted
the traditional home blessing ceremony with the participation of area
clergymen, including Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, pastor of St. Sarkis
Church in Douglaston, New York, and Rev. Fr. Hovnan Bozoian, pastor of Sts.
Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey.
Ambassador Armen Martirossian, Permanent Representative of the Republic of
Armenia to the United Nations, and Mrs. Martirossian joined the many guests
in expressing their good wishes to the Prelate for the coming year. Guests
enjoyed a lavish buffet of Armenian delicacies.

The Catholicosate of the Holy See of Cilicia announced that His Holiness
Catholicos Aram I will consecrate the Holy Muron (Holy Oil) on June 7, 2008.
The Holy Muron, symbol of the grace of the Holy Spirit, is traditionally
blessed every seven years. Only the Catholicos can consecrate the oil which
is then distributed to the various dioceses for distribution to the
parishes. The oil consists of 48 different herbs, flowers, and oils which
are combined in a special vessel and mixed with some of the old Muron, thus
creating an unbroken chain with the past. The Muron Blessing is expected to
attract a large number of pilgrims from various parts of the world.
This week His Holiness announced that during this same period the World
General Assembly of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia will
convene in Antelias beginning on June 3 through to June 5.

An international gathering of youth is being organized by the Holy See of
Cilicia. His Holiness Aram I is inviting the youth, 18 years and older, to
attend this gathering which will include a one-week pilgrimage to Der Zor.
Details will follow.

An international conference dedicated to Armenian Cilicia will take place in
the Catholicosate of Cilicia in Antelias, Lebanon, January 13 to 19, under
the sponsorship of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of
Cilicia. The conference is co-organized by the Catholicosate and the
Mashdots Library in Yerevan, Armenia. His Holiness is scheduled to preside
over the conference and deliver the opening and concluding remarks. Scholars
>From all over the world will participate in the conference which will
feature papers and discussions on the culture of Armenian Cilicia.

Bible readings for today, January 10 are: Hebrews 12:18-27; Luke 1:39-56.
In those days Mary set out and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill
country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.
When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leaped in her womb. And
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry,
"Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And why
has this happened to me, that the mother of my Lord comes to me? For as soon
as I heard the sound of your greeting, the child in my womb leaped for joy.
And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what
was spoken to her by the Lord." And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on
the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call
me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his
name. His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He
has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts
of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and
lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the
rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his
mercy, according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to
his descendants forever." And Mary remained with her about three months and
then returned to her home. (Luke 1:39-56)
For listing of the entire week’s Bible readings click

This Sunday, January 13, the Armenian Church commemorates the naming
(and circumcision) of our Lord Jesus Christ in accordance with the Hebrew
custom. The commemoration of this event (see Matthew 1:20-23; Luke 1:30-32;
Luke 2:21) comes seven days after the Feast of Theophany, which is the
eighth day of the octave of Theophany. This event of the naming and
circumcision of our Lord resulted in the tradition for newborn children of
Christians to be baptized eight days after birth-a tradition that is rarely
followed in modern times.

This week we call to your attention two books-both published some years
ago-but the Bookstore now has a replenished supply.
David Anhaght, The Invincible Philosopher, edited by Avedis K. Sanjian.
David (Tavit) Anhaght is recognized as the founder of several branches of
Armenian philosophy, particularly logic. His philosophical writings have
been studied by generations of scholars, and in recent times he has received
intensive attention. David’s 1500th anniversary was commemorated in 1980
with a large international conference in Yerevan. In 1981 the Armenian
studies program at the University of California (Los Angeles) hosted a
symposium. This paperback volume reproduces the papers presented at UCLA.
Price, $20.00 plus shipping and handling.

Enlightenment and Diaspora, the Armenian and Jewish Cases, edited by
Richard G. Hovannisian and David N. Myers. This paperback volume focuses on
the comparative experience of Armenian and Jewish intellectuals and
merchants in receiving, reformulating, and then disseminating Enlightenment
values to their respective communities. Specialists examine the role of
commerce in spreading the Enlightenment as well as the tension between
Enlightenment and traditional religious authority and the Enlightenment’s
role in the development of national identity. This volume comprises papers
presented at a conference at UCLA in 1995. Price, $25.00, plus shipping and


Next Wednesday, January 16, is Religious Freedom Day, by Presidential
Proclamation. Since 1993 Americans have been asked to "observe this day
through appropriate events and activities in homes, schools, and places of
worship." January 16 is the anniversary of the passage, in 1786, of the
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. Thomas Jefferson drafted the
legislation and it is considered to be one of his greatest achievements. It
stopped the practice of taxing people to pay for the support of the local
clergy, and it protected the civil rights of people to express their
religious beliefs without suffering discrimination. The drafters of the U.S.
Constitution used Jefferson’s statute as a model in establishing the First
Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom.

".no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship,
place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested,
or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of
his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess,
and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion, and that
the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil
>From the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom

Calendar of Events

January 27-Seminar for Sunday School teachers and staff of St. Sarkis
Armenian Church, Dearborn, Michigan, by Deacon Shant Kazanjian, director of
the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC). Theme: Prayer-Personal and

February 3-Seminar for Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church (Ridgefield, New
Jersey) Sunday School teachers and staff, conducted by Deacon Shant
Kazanjian, director of the Armenian Religious Education Council (AREC).
Theme: Understanding the sacraments of Christian initiation according to the
tradition of the Armenian Orthodox Church: Baptism-Chrismation-Eucharist.

February 10-Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church, Worcester,
Massachusetts, Annual Membership Meeting. Snow date: February 24.

February 24-Annual Membership meeting, St. Gregory Church (North Andover,

March 2-Musical Armenia, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, New York City,
featuring Aleksandr Nazaryan on viola and Karen Tchougourian on piano.

May 7-9-National Representative Assembly of the Eastern Prelacy, hosted by
St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, Massachusetts.

June 3-5-World General Assembly of the Catholicosate of the Great House of
Cilicia will convene in Antelias, Lebanon.

June 7-Blessing of Holy Muron in Antelias, Lebanon. Details will follow.

June 27 to July 6-St. Gregory of Datev Institute, Summer Christian Studies
Program for youth ages 13-18 at St. Mary of Providence Center in Elverson,
Pennsylvania, organized by the Armenian Religious Education Council. For
more information click

July 19-"A Hye Summer Night 3," dance hosted by Ladies’ Guild of Sts.
Vartanantz Church and ARS Ani Chapter, Providence, Rhode Island. For details

August 15-17-International Gathering of Youth and Pilgrimage to Der Zor,
organized by the Catholicosate of Cilicia. Details will follow.

October 25-Gala celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Prelacy of the
Armenian Apostolic Church of America under the jurisdiction of the Great
House of Cilicia and the 110th anniversary of the establishment of the
Armenian Church of America. Marriott at Glenpointe, Teaneck, New Jersey.
Details to follow.

Web pages of the parishes can be accessed through the Prelacy’s web site.

To ensure the timely arrival of Crossroads in your electronic mailbox, add
email@armenianprelacy.org to your address book.

Items in Crossroads can be reproduced without permission. Please credit
Crossroads as the source.

Parishes of the Eastern Prelacy are invited to send information about their
major events to be included in the calendar. Send to:

Talalian Arpi:
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