"Georgia’s Traditions Are Revolutionary"


09 January, 2008

Political scientist Alexander Iskandarian does not share the opinion
of international election observation missions according to which
Georgia’s elections were consistent with international standards
for democratic elections and the irregularities did not affect the
final outcome.

I think the assessment is preposterous as we speak of 2-percent
decisive votes which gives serious grounds for contemplations and
suspects. People publishing election results controlled the whole
elections process.

Iskandarian states that the election results were not publicizes in due
order. "People are invited to the president’s solemn oath before the
Central Electoral Commission officially reveals the election results,"
he says.

Iskandarian thinks Levan Gachechiladze, the candidate nominated by
the united opposition, has won the elections. Generally, elections
are less rigged in capitals as international observers mainly focus
on the capital electorate.

"Georgia’s elections will surely affect the Armenian ones as we are
neighboring countries. But the influence will not be that great as
the countries differ due to their political scenes and electoral
traditions. Georgia’s traditions are more revolutionary."