Categories: News

Manuk Gasparyan Passed Away Aged 58


10.01.2008 12:12

This morning President of the People’s Way Party, politician Manuk
Gasparyan died of cardiac insufficiency at the age of 58. Everyone
remembers him as a man who always stood out for his courage and humor
peculiar of his birthplace.

Sure, the death of this political figure is great loss for the society.

A few years ago Manuk Gasparayn underwent a heart surgery. Over the
past years he was constantly complaining of the disease.

Manouk Gasparyan was born on September 16, 1949 in the village of
Kasakh in the Aparan region.

Mr. Gasparyan graduated from the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute
in 1976 and from Belgorod Institute of Consumer Corporation in Russia
in 1989.

He served in the Soviet Army from 1968-1970. For nearly twenty years
he was a chief accountant in the Armenia SSR Ministry of Trade. 1990
to 1997 he was presi¬dent of the Orion Ltd. 1997 to 1999 he headed
the financial division of Kanaker-Zeytoun district community office
in Yerevan.

1999-2003 was his first term as a Deputy in the Natioanl Asswembly
(electoral district # 24) where he served at the NA Standing
Committee on Financial-Credit, Budgetary and Economic Affairs and
was not involved in any of the factions or deputy groups. However,
later he joined the People’s Voice Deputy Group.

On May 25, 2003 he was reelected to the NA from electoral district # 4.


Jilavian Emma:
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