Struggle Against PKK Main Topic Of Bush-Gul Conversation

By H. Chaqrian

AZG Armenian Daily


Ankara Satisfied with the Visit to USA

As "Azg" has reported, on January 9 President of Turkey Abdullah
Gul was received by US President of the USA George W Bush in
Washington. The meeting of the two presidents lasted for about 40
minutes, after which they met with the reporters.

President Bush said he was satisfied with the meeting with Gul and
said that the relationships between the USA and Turkey have always
been good, naming PKK the common enemy of both the countries. PKK is
also the enemy of Iraq, and Turkey must continue the struggle against
it in the name of peace, said President Bush.

In his turn Gul said that the cooperation of Turkey and the United
States must benefit the stability and peace in the world.

Other details of the meeting with the US President Abdullah Gul related
in a press conference with the Turkish press. According to Turkish
media, besides the PKK issue, the presidents of the USA and Turkey
discussed problems on Iraq, Kirkuk status, Israel-Palestine conflict,
Turkey’s EU membership, the Balkans, Middle East energy resources,
Cyprus and the H. Res. 108.

It is reported that during the meeting Gul said that the states
of Central Asia and South Caucasus are a single nation, divided by
different states.

The Turkish press, taking into consideration Bush’s willingness to
continue the joint strife against PKK, estimates Gul’s visit to the
Unites States as positive, constructive and extremely important.

Washington’s estimation is the visit sounds likely.