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Historical possibility to achieve peace in Black Sea region emerged


Historical possibility to achieve peace in Black Sea region emerged
15.01.2008 17:13 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkey strives for a more important
role in the Black Sea region and wants the U.S. to
deeper engage in operations in northern Iraq, U.S.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Matthew Bryza said
at Wider Black Sea: Perspectives for International and
Regional Security international conference.

According to him, the U.S. has no intention to deploy
troops in the Black Sea basin.

`Turkey is a strategic ally of the United States. This
was proved by recent visit of Turkish President
Abdullah Gul to Washington. As you remember, relations
between our states tensed in March 2003 when Turkey
refused to allow U.S troops through its territory to
Iraq. But presently, a unique possibility to achieve
peace in the Black sea region has emerged,’ the
diplomat said.

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