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"Levon Ter-Petrossian Has Supporters In Upper Echelons"


[05:44 pm] 16 January, 2008

Leader of the National Democratic Alliance (AZhD) Arshak Sadoyan is
more than confident that the upcoming presidential elections will be
rigged like the elections of 1998 and 2003.

The AZhD leader says Vazgen Manukian will win if the elections
are free and fair. All activists who believe that Ter-Petrossian’s
victory may bring about real changes in Armenia are mistaken. A great
disappointment awaits them.

Sadoyan called on his opponent, All-Armenian Party (HHSh) member Aram
Manukian, to join their team and to back Vazgen Manukian as he is
immaculate and is capable of changing the situation in Armenia. People
respect Vazgen Manukian. He has faked no election.

In answer to this remark Aram Manukian stated that "their goal is
not to settle problems among parties.

Levon Ter-Petrossian finds it his mission "to remove the Karabakh

"Politics is rather the art of possibility than desires. Our team is
guided by this principle. We believe that only Ter-Petrossian stands
possibility to remove the clan. Ter-Petrossian runs in the election
race to overthrow the acting authorities. He doesn’t strive for
power. Meanwhile the other candidates are proteges and dance to the
Government’s tune. I advise you to sober up and face the reality,"
he said.

In reply to Manukian’s question which candidate Sadoyan will second if
Serzh Sarkissian and Levon Ter-Petrossian appear at the second round,
Sadoyan said, "None of them. "

"You have just proved that you are not an oppositionist," Manukian
said and added, "We shall back Vazgen Manukian if he competes with
Serzh Sarkissian at the second round."

Manukian also noted that the government control on the public
administration, police and other law enforcement agencies will
significantly weaken.

"There will be sudden changes in the system of government and the
political domain in mid-February.

Levon Ter-Petrossian has supporters in ministries who work for the
first President but do not reveal themselves. Soon a number of people
will defect from the government camp and join Ter-Petrossian’s team."

Vardanian Garo:
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