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NKR President: Settlement Of Karabakh Problem Without Participation


2008-01-16 16:12:00

ArmInfo. Chief Information Department of NKR Presidential
Administration informed ArmInfo of the details of January 15 meeting
of NKR President Bako Sahakyan and OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs Bernard
Fassier, Matthew Bryza and Yuri Merzlyakov who arrived in Stepanakert
on January 15 within the frames of their visit to the region.

In particular, the parties discussed a number of Karabakh
conflict-related issues. Bako Sahakyan stressed the necessity of
Nagorny Karabakh’s involvement into the settlement process otherwise,
he believes, no settlement is possible. At the same time, the president
emphasized that the anti-Armenian propaganda in Azerbaijan and the
militarist rhetoric by Azerbaijan not only hinder establishment
of the atmosphere of trust between the conflicting parties but also
affect the negotiations process. NKR President reiterated the official
Stepanakert’s devotion to the peaceful settlement of the conflict and
establishment of a bilateral dialogue with Baku. B. Sahakyan stressed
the importance of the monitoring of NKR and Azerbaijani contact line by
OSCE Mission and called it one of the key components of the cease-fire
maintenance. He stressed the inadmissibility of politicization and
speculations on the given issue by Azerbaijan. The parties agreed
to monitor the contact line with participation of OSCE MG co-chairs
on January 16. For their part, the co-chairs expressed readiness to
contribute to the peace process and establishment of peace in the
region by all means possible. The mediators shared NKR President’s
stand regarding Karabakh’s involvement into the negotiations. Foreign
Minister of NKR Georgy Petrosyan and OSCE CIO PR Andrzej Kasprzyk
attended the meeting as well.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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