Main Achievement Of The Defense Army’s Another Year Of Peace For Kar


18-01-2008 13:14:09

On January 17 the minister of defense Movses Hakobyan held a news
conference and summed up the results of the year 2007. He said the
main achievement is the peaceful year.

The minister underlined that in 2007 the military and political
situation has become complicated in the region. The main factor,
according to him, is Azerbaijan’s militaristic statements and the fact
that even in international organizations the Azerbaijani leadership
threatens to resolve the conflict through force. As a result the
number of skirmishes at the line of contact tripled in 2007.

The situation in Turkey and Iran is also complicated. In addition,
the minister said tensions at the border with Iran were relieved after
the statement by the U.S. State Department statement that Iran does
not produce nuclear weapon.

With regard to the unsettled conflicts in Afghanistan, Iran, Kosovo
Movses Hakobyan underlined that it is highly important for Karabakh
to track the conflicts involving Muslim countries. "Azerbaijan makes
efforts to put pressure on the Armenian side through the countries with
which it has religious and ethnic ties," the minister of defense says.

According to Movses Hakobyan, in 2007 the army achieved its
goals. Despite provocations, tension at the front line has weakened,
and it was relatively calm at the border in the past few months.

With regard to achievements, the minister noted that last year
a large-scale exercise was held, in which all kinds of forces

The construction of an anti-tank line was completed and this year
the focus will be on the personnel line. "We are going to finish the
construction of command posts, as well as to lay out safe passages
to the front line," the minister said.

Movses Hakobyan also said this year the NKR Army of Defense is
likely to buy a new system of air defense. "Presently, each square
meter of the sky of Karabakh is defended, and in case of danger
three weapon emplacements will be operated. However, there is need
for modernization, and this year we will spend more on buying new
weapons," the minister said.