Categories: News

Telebridge Shushi-Yerevan-Moscow-Bethlehem


18-0 1-2008 16:55:01

On January 18, the Christmas Day by the old calendar, the telebridge
Shushi-Bethlehem will start at 9.30 pm local time, organized by
Shushi Rebirth Foundation. During the telebridge there will be live
telecasts from St. Savior Church of Shushi, the City Hall of Yerevan,
Moscow and Bethlehem.

Mayor Yervand Zakharyan, director of the foundation, will hold a
reception at the City Hall of Yerevan. The representatives of the
Armenian community will gather at the Armenian embassy to Russia. In
Bethlehem the viewers will watch the mess at St. Christmas Church.

Renowned activists of Armenia, Karabakh and the Diaspora will
participate in the telebridge, footages from the United States and
France will be broadcast.

The purpose of the telebridge is to mark Christmas, underline the
importance of the reconstruction of Shushi and call our compatriots
worldwide to contribute to the charity and investment programs of
Shushi Rebirth Foundation.

Shushi Rebirth Foundation Department of Public Relations

Kafian Jirair:
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