Categories: News

CIS Monitoring Mission Headquarters In Yerevan


2008-01-22 13:38:00

ArmInfo. Today the CIS monitoring mission headquarters was opened
in Yerevan, and the head of the mission Vladimir Garkun (Belarus)
met chairman of Armenian Central Electoral Commission Garegin Azaryan.

As Vladimir Garkun told journalists after the meeting, the CIS
monitoring mission was invited by Armenian Foreign Ministry and is
going to implement short-term as well as long-term monitoring of the
presidential election.

There are 5 observers within the delegation, the number of which
will grow up to 17 and later to 170 people representing the CIS,
the CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly and Russia-Belarus Union. The
CIS observers are going the electoral campaign of the candidates for
president, to visit their headquarters and all the district electoral
commissions and to watch the voting process at the election day.

He also added that he is not going to comment on the fact that as a
rule conclusion of the CIS monitoring mission differs from that of the
European structures. "We are not going to comment on other structures
work as we are answerable only for our work", – Vladimir Garkun said.

Frangulian Shushan:
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