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First President Announced The Start Of A New Stage


Jan 22 2008

The first president of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan who is running
in the presidential election stated during the rally at the Square
of Freedom to launch a new round in the movement he leads. Levon
Ter-Petrosyan even revealed the slogan of the new stage. "The slogan
was formulated by the renowned historiographer of the 13th century
Stepanos Orbelyan "when words end, and acts reign". In other words,
we have reached a turning point when words end and acts reign. What
should have been said about the essence of the regime of Armenia, the
disastrous prospect of its reproduction and the necessity to avoid it
has already been said," Levon Ter-Petrosyan said, noting that he has
described the regime the moral values of which are strange to people.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan said the impression that it is impossible to
prevent the machine of election fraud is false. The first president
thinks it is possible, and for that every citizen must display will
and determination. Levon Ter-Petrosyan stated on behalf of tens of
thousands of his supporters they are ready to serve a determined
society, the nation liberation movement. "We are ready to strain our
muscles, contribute our efforts, undergo any hardship and make any
sacrifice for a better future of Armenia, inspired with the divine
poetry of the 23-year-old great poet," said the first president
Levon Ter-Petrosyan and recited a poem by Yeghisheh Charents which
the great poet wrote in 1920. Afterwards the first president stated
that if every citizen were inspired with the spirit of Charents,
the regime of Kocharyan and Sargsyan would immediately appear in the
"dump of history".

According to Levon Ter-Petrosyan, the election of February 19 is
symbolic. "They give you a chance not only to shape your future with
your own hands but also to comfort the insult you felt in 1998 when
they seized Karen Demirchyan’s victory from you, the deep insult you
felt in 2003 when they seized Stepan Demirchyan’s victory from you.

Therefore, February 19 will be not only your victory but also Karen
Demirchyan’s, Stepan Demirchyan’s and Vazgen Sargsyan’s victory. Long
live the Armenian people who stood up to regain their dignity! Long
live our fair and holy struggle! God be with us!" Levon Ter-Petrosyan
concluded. The rally ended with a march the tens of thousands of
participants of which led by Levon Ter-Petrosyan walked along the
streets of Yerevan chanting Levon and Victory. The march returned to
the Square of Freedom where it had started.

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