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ANCA Leo Sarkisian Summer Internship Accepting Applications for 08

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
Email: anca@anca.org

January 23, 2008
Contact: Serouj Aprahamian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— 24-Year Program Provides Hands-On Grassroots Advocacy Training
for Armenian American Student Leaders

WASHINGTON, DC — The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
announced this week that it is accepting applications for the 2008
ANCA Leo Sarkisian Summer Internship Program in Washington, DC.
Now in its 24th year, this competitive and prestigious program
provides student leaders the opportunity to explore the inner
workings of the U.S. political system. The application deadline is
set for March 1, 2008.

Named in honor and memory of longtime ANCA activist Leo Sarkisian,
the eight-week intensive public affairs internship brings together
students leaders and activists from across North America to give
them the tools necessary to become more effective Armenian American
advocates. "The Leo Sarkisian Internship continuously proves to be
an unparalleled experience for young activists seeking to engage
themselves in Hai Tahd and help advance the Armenian Cause," said
former intern and current ANCA Eastern Region Executive Director,
Karine Birazian.

Working just blocks away from the White House at the ANCA national
headquarters, participants receive a series of in-depth lectures
and interactive workshops from guest speakers, including U.S.
government officials, Armenian American leaders, and professionals
in the field of public policy. Interns are also assigned specially
tailored projects and attend various conferences and hearings
featuring national figures on issues of concern to the Armenian
American community.

"The ANCA Summer Internship was an invaluable investment for my
future as an individual and as an Armenian activist," said 2007 Leo
Sarkisian intern Paul Ternamian. "I can already see the time and
hard work spent during those summer months paying off as I take a
greater leadership role in the community." Paul’s fellow intern
>From 2007, Dzovak Kazandjian, added that, "I would recommend the
internship to anyone who wants to take part in the day-to-day
activities of the ANCA on a national level, as well as to those who
want to experience the exciting atmosphere that DC and Capitol Hill
have to offer."

The 2008 Leo Sarkisian Internship will begin on June 23 and run
through August 11. Applications for the internship are available
on the "Capital Gateway" section of the ANCA website at
Applicants must complete the forms corresponding to
their respective region and return them to the Eastern Region or
Western Region headquarters by March 1 to be considered for the
2008 program. Applications will be reviewed and those deemed
qualified will be invited for an interview before final selections
are made in May 2008.

Haig Hovsepian, Community Relations Director for Western Region
ANC, summed up the importance of the program by stating, "The
strength of our applicants is their activism in the local
communities from which they come and to which they will return
making the Leo Sarkisian Internship Program a prime example of
grassroots power in action."

For more information, or to request applications, please contact
your ANCA regional headquarters at (818) 500-1918 or
ancawr@anca.org for the Western Region and (917) 428-1918 or
ancaer@anca.org for the Eastern Region.


Photo Caption: 2007 ANCA Leo Sarkisian Interns Explore the U.S.

Nahapetian Boris:
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