ANKARA: Orhan Pamuk Shocked By Supreme Court Of Appeals


Jan 23 2008

The Supreme Court of Appeals has annulled the decision made by the
local court, rejecting cases opened for damages against a statement
made by Orhan Pamuk.

Pamuk may face another action

The Supreme Court of Appeals has annulled the decision made by
the local court rejecting cases opened against Pamuk’s statement;
"we have killed one million Armenians."

The Supreme Court of Appeals has annulled the decision made by the
local court rejecting actions opened for damages against statements
by Orhan Pamuk. Therefore, now new cases may be opened for damages
caused by a statement by Orhan Pamuk. The plaintiff claimed that
Orhan Pamuk is accusing every person in Turkey with murder by saying
‘we have killed 30 thousand Kurds and one million Armenians.’ The
plaintiff stated: "no one in Turkey can say this out loud." The
Small Claims Court in ªiºli rejected the case by claiming it can
not be considered an attack on personal rights just because one is a
citizen of the Turkish nation. The Supreme Court of Appeals, however,
has now annulled the decision made by the local court.
