Categories: News

Hundreds Gather To Oppose Rep Wexler Denial of The Armenian Genocide

Date: January 23, 2008
Armenian National Committee of South Florida
931 NE 48th Street
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Contact: Albert Mazmanian
Tel: 561-628-8982


Boca Raton, FL – Hundreds of activists from around the country, and
>From as far as Australia and Argentina, joined together in the 19th
District of Florida to rally against genocide denier Cong. Robert
Wexler (D-FL-19), and stand in support with democratic primary
candidate Dr. Benjamin Graber on Saturday, January 12, 2008
reported the Armenian National Committee of South Florida (ANC of
S. FL).

"The ANC of South Florida felt it was time to voice our concerns
about Congressman Wexler. Enough is enough. It is time for change,
and to elect someone who will represent Florida’s 19th District. We
now have a candidate who is the right man for the job, and the
Armenian and Greek communities stand by him one-hundred percent,"
commented Albert Mazmanian, Chairman of the ANC of S. Florida.

The event, organized by the Armenian Youth Federation (AYF), and
co-hosted by the Armenian National Committee of South Florida the
Armenian Student Association (ASA), and the Cyprus Action Network
of America (CANA) amounted to a great success. Also present at the
rally was Dr. Benjamin Graber, the democratic primary challenger to
Cong. Wexler in the 19th district, as well as his family.

For over two hours, activists held up signs and chanted "Vote
Graber 2008" and "Wexler Out of Congress." Following the rally, a
program was organized with the following participants offering
remarks and motivating activists to take action: Isabel Ohanian,
chairwoman of the AYF Central Hai Tahd Committee; Albert Mazmanian,
chairman of the ANC of S. Florida; Nikos Taneris of CANA; John
Bosnitch of the Serbian community; Dr. Benjamin Graber; and Karine
Birazian, Executive Director of the ANCA Eastern Region.

During his speech, Graber commented: "The world needs leaders who
are fair, calm, and intelligent. The time for war should be over. A
new era of peace, understanding, and cooperation amongst people and
nations needs to begin. The leaders of the status quo like Robert
Wexler need to retire and make room for the agents of change who
will lead us into a secure and stable future. I am an agent of
change, a believer in peace and a mediator of ideas. I will
develop consensus and accomplish our goals. That’s why I am
running to be your congressman."

Several thousand Greeks and Armenians reside in Florida’s 19th
District and have already begun taking action against Cong. Wexler.
His past actions on the Cyprus issue as well as his denial of the
Armenian Genocide have concerned several constituents and have led
them to join Graber’s campaign.

The democratic primary contest between Graber and Wexler is to take
place on August 26, 2008. For more information about Benjamin
Graber and his campaign, please visit

The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) is the largest
and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of

Photo Captions:

Photo 1: Activists surrounding Congressional Candidate Dr. Benjamin
Graber following the rally

Photo 2: (L to R) ANC of S. Florida activists Bedros Der
Bedrossian, Chairman Albert Mazmanian, Dr. Benjamin Graber, and ANCA ER
Director Karine Birazian

Nahapetian Samvel:
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