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Khikmet Gaji-zade: If Kosovo independence recognized, NK, etc will..

Khikmet Gaji-zade: If Kosovo independence is recognized unilaterally,
both Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia will appeal to this precedent

2008-01-28 13:36:00

ArmInfo. ‘If Kosovo independence is recognized unilaterally, both
Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia will appeal to this precedent’, an
Azerbaijani political expert Khikmet Gaji-zade told the Day.az. Asked
about the peculiarity of the conflict, the political expert said that
there is no unambiguous scientific-legal answer to this question: ‘We
shall say that Karabakh is quite another case, while Armenia and Russia
will say that this is essentially the same. Those having more forces
will be right. In general, it is too dangerous for us’.

Tumanian Talar:
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