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71 Experimental Laboratories And 23 Certification Bodies Function In


Noyan Tapan
Jan 30, 2008

YEREVAN, JANUARY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. 71 accredited experimental
laboratories and 23 certification bodies, including 14 production
certification bodies and 6 service certification bodies, currently
function in Armenia.

According to the Information and PR Unit of the RA Ministry of Trade
and Economic Development, in 2007, 33 bids on accrditation were
submitted by economic entities to the ministry’s Accreditation Unit,
including 6 bids for being accredited as a certification body and 27
for being accredited as an experimental laboratory. 5 certification
bodies and 21 experimental laboartories were accredited. 4 experimental
laboratories are now at various stages of accreditaion, 2 of which
applied for extension of the accreditation field.

The Quality Inspection of the ministry implemented control of
observance of technical regulations, metrological rules and norms
by 1,001 economic entities. 164 violations were revealed at 121
economic entities, including 128 violations of technical regulations,
25 violations of metrological rules and norms. Heads of 11 economic
entities prevented checkings from being made.

Based on results of state control, instructions were given to 40
economic entities to suspend sales of production not in line with
requirements of technical regulations, to 7 economic entities – to
ban the sale, to 92 entities – to ban the use of unchekced measuring
instruments. 120 persons in charge of economic entities were fined
in the total amount of 11.7 mln drams (over 34.2 thousand USD).

Chalian Meline:
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