Legitimate President 2008 Movement Demands That Prosecutor Investiga


Noyan Tapan
Jan 30, 2008

YEREVAN, JANUARY 30, NOYAN TAPAN. Today, on January 30, the
Coordination Council of the Legitimate President 2008 public-political
movement will send a letter to Aghvan Hovsepian, the RA Prosecutor
General, on the fact of threats addressed to the opposition by RA NA
Deputy Alexander Sargsian.

Garnik Margarian, the Chairman of the Homeland and Honor party,
said at the January 30 press conference of the movement.

In his words, in the letter the Coordination Council demands that the
Prosecutor institute criminal case against Sargsian or against medium,
which has published this information.

It should be mentioned that according to the December 27 publication
in the Haykakan Zhamanak newspaper, the Prime Minister’s brother,
RA MP A. Sargsian has stated in the presence of many people: "We have
laid out so many people in the parliament not for easily and calmly
letting others have the power.

We will lay out as many people as we did if necessary."

Gurgen Yeghiazarian, the former Deputy Head of the National Security
Service, expressed bewilderment about the negligence of the law
enforcement bodies. "If there is information about keeping arms or
threats to life in press, the Prosecutor’s Office is obliged to check
this information within 24 hours. Why hasn’t this been done by now,
while the case on the October 27 terrorist act is still being examined
by the Prosecutor’s Office?"

The participants of the press conference harshly criticized
the authorities for hampering the election campaign of the first
President. Among such steps they mentioned the arrest of four members
of Levon Ter-Petrosian’s headquarters in Talin with the accusation
of beating provoker Sargis Karapetian, who hampered holding of the
opposition rally in Talin, the arrest of the bodyguards of Aram
Sargsian, the Chairman of the Hanrapetutiun (Republic) party, and MP
Khachatur Sukiasian.