ANCA: S. Power Video Hightlights Obama Support for Armenian Issues

Armenian National Committee of America
1711 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. (202) 775-1918
Fax. (202) 775-5648
[email protected]

January 31, 2008

Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
Tel: (202) 775-1918


— Pulitzer Prize Winning Author Discusses Candidate’s Commitment
to Armenian Genocide Recognition; Urges Community Support for Obama

— Watch Online on the ANCA Website

WASHINGTON, DC – Pulitzer Prize winning author and renowned anti-
genocide crusader Samantha Power has taped a powerful 5-minute
video reviewing Presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s support for
Armenian issues, and encouraging Armenian Americans to vote for him
in the upcoming primaries, reported the Armenian National Committee
of America (ANCA).

In the video, issued earlier today and circulated widely by the
ANCA, Power praises Senator Obama’s "willingness to challenge
conventional wisdom and conventional Washington." She reminded
viewers that the Armenian American community "knows better than
anybody, business as usual in Washington leads to certain bad
habits that are destructive for human rights and human dignity."
She recounted Senator Obama’s record on issues of special concern
to Armenian Americans, including his "very forthright statement on
the Armenian Genocide; his support for the Senate Resolution
acknowledging the Genocide; his willingness as President to
commemorate it and call a ‘spade a spade’; and to speak the truth
about it. . ." as important considerations in the Armenian-American
community’s decision to vote for Sen. Obama on Feb. 5 and beyond.

The video may be watched on the ANCA website at:

Samantha Power, who won the Pulitzer Prize for her seminal work on
U.S. response to genocide, titled "A Problem from Hell: America and
the Age of Genocide" has been a leading activist working to end the
ongoing genocide in Darfur and in building a stronger anti-genocide
constituency in the United States.

The ANCA officially endorsed Obama in the Democratic primary this
week during a press conference held at its Western Region
headquarters, which featured the participation of Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) and LA City Council President Eric Garcetti. In its
endorsement announcement, ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian noted that
"Based on his strong record in office, his bold statements as a
candidate, and our judgment as to the policies he will pursue as
President, we believe that, among a strong field of Democratic
candidates, Senator Obama will best reflect the views and values of
Armenian American voters." This press conference can be watched
on-line at:

Armenians for Obama Chairwoman Nora Hovsepian noted that "Barack
Obama, on the key issues of importance to our community, has
adopted very favorable positions. Whether it is recognition of the
Armenian Genocide, aid to Armenia, or self-determination for
Karabagh, on all of these issues, Barack Obama is with us."

Sen. Obama’s statement on U.S.-Armenia relations is available on
the official campaign website at:

As always, the ANCA welcomes feedback on its service to the
Armenian American community. Please forward your thoughts and
suggestions about the 2008 Presidential election by email to
[email protected].
