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‘I’m Happy In This Country’


2008/01/31 20:11:53 GMT

As the government announces that unaccompanied youngsters – denied
the right to stay in this country – will now be deported, Aram,
who came to Britain from Armenia, tells in his own words the story
of his journey to the UK.

My name is Aram. I am 16 years old. I came in this country 10
months ago.

When I came in this country, someone take me to social services – some
adviser from Refugee Council. When they take me to Refugee Council,
I met one man who take me to hotel.

In the hotel, I stay nearly two weeks. And in that two weeks, I was
getting everything I need in social care. After two to three weeks,
a lady called me. A Russian lady was interpreting.

They talked to me and they were very rude to me. I asked for water
because I felt bad when I was talking about my life.

They said they had no water. It was very hard for me. After two hours,
I was feeling very bad, they go out – after 15 minutes they said
‘we think you’re 18 years old’.

And they take me to [word unintelligible] and I was crying so much,
I didn’t know where to go or what to do.

After that a man took me to a hotel and it was very hard for me because
I don’t know how to cook, I don’t know how to look after myself and
I was very bad. I was crying too much and I tried to do bad things
to me, I was scared too much.

So after that I made Refugee Council – I was coming here all the time,
I live here because they never leave me. And I am very happy for them,
because this is my family – a very big family.

I like people, I love people – I’m very happy in this country, because
this country is peace – no-one attacks no-one, everybody lives,
no-one can take your life for nothing.

And I’m very happy for these people, because these people they help
me so much.

I’m very young and I want to be useful. I don’t want to be very bad
people, I want to help people because I can. I don’t want to waste
time sitting at home. I decided to come and help them, so I want to
be very useful.

I don’t like war, I don’t like when people die. I like this country
too much, because in this country people don’t die. In this country I
learnt to play football – I went to Refugee Council team in Kennington
Park [south London]. Every Friday we’re playing football and I’m very
happy for this.

I love books, I have two library cards. I’m learning English and I’m
learning books.

Mamian George:
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