Ombudsman WG in Talin re details of incident during LTP meeting

Working Group of Armenian Ombudsman visits town of Talin to study
details of incident during meeting presidential candidate Levon Ter-

2008-02-01 14:25:00

ArmInfo. Rapid Deployment Group of Armenian Ombudsman left for the town
of Talin, Armenia, to study the details of the scuffle that happened at
pre- electoral meeting of RA first president, presidential contender
Levon Ter-Petrosyan. Ombudsman Armen Haroutunyan told journalist that
all the facts of the incident will be carefully studied on the spot.
The media will be informed of the results shortly.

To recall, after a number of speeches of Ter-Petrosyan’s supporters, an
outcry was heard from the crowd saying that the first president is not
so much waited for in Talin. All this resulted in a scuffle, which
lasted for several minutes. The local investigation department
initiated criminal case on Article 188 of the Criminal Code, Ombudsman