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ANTELIAS: Delegation representing German churches visits Antelias

Catholicosate of Cilicia
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His Holiness Aram I received Saturday a delegation of 30 representatives
>From the various churches in Germany. The purpose of the delegation’s visit
was to become closely acquainted with the Christian face of the Middle East.

Greeting the delegation the Pontiff welcomed their initiative with respect
to the status of Christianity in the Middle East today. "The existence of
Christianity in the Middle East should not be apprehended in its usual
meaning. The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity. Christianity’s
light shined upon the world from the Middle East. Bethlehem and the
Resurrection- the basis of Christian faith- exist here. It is also true that
the divisions within Christianity started from the Middle East and that
Christianity has had a conflict-ridden history in this region. However, the
churches remain strongly attached to their roots, traditions, rights and
especially their God-given mission," said the Catholicos.

His Holiness also outlined the importance of Christian-Muslim dialogue. "The
Christian Muslim dialogue in the Middle East in the Middle East is one of
the important field’s of Christianity’s existence and mission in the region.
It is part of our daily life. Our life is a life of dialogue. It can not
exist otherwise. Dialogue should neither be thought of as a move away from
our roots nor the return of others to Christianity. This is a wrong approach
to dialogue. Christians and Muslims should live together within the
framework of mutual understanding and respect," he observed.

Speaking about the Armenian Church’s presence in the Middle East, the
Pontiff said: "The Armenian nation and Church have grown roots in the Middle
East throughout the centuries. We form an indispensable part of the region’s
history. We have our own unique culture, values and beliefs, but we fully
share the dreams and challenges of the region’s population. It is true that
the Armenian Church is one of the oldest churches, but it is always in the
course of renewal. It actively participates in the Ecumenical Movement as
well as the inter-faith dialogue and cooperation that aims to overcome the
challenges of the current world."

The Catholicos also talked in detail about the Armenian Genocide,
emphasizing the Armenian nation’s right to demand its rights.

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The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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