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ANTELIAS: Dialogue with the youth No.: 11

Catholicosate of Cilicia
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(Dialogue with the Youth- Number 11)

I consider my sharing of perspectives and concerns with our youth on special
occasions and in respect to important and timely issues to be a vital
dimension of my pontifical ministry. I believe that we must engage our youth
in responsible dialogue with our church, with our community and the world at
large. It is my deep conviction that our youth must not only listen but also
talk, not only take but also give, not only wait but also act, not only
follow but also lead in all spheres and at all levels of our common life.

In my opening remarks to the International Conference on "Culture of
Cilician Armenia", organized by the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia,
January 14-18 2008, in Antelias, I said that "critical openness and creative
interaction have been significant features of Armenian culture in Cilicia".

What do we mean by culture? Let me underscore a few points.-

1) Culture is the totality of a community’s life in its various aspects,
dimensions and expressions. Through forms and actions, colours and
perceptions culture articulates the values and traditions, inner world and
aspirations of a community. Culture is a source of identity; it ensures
unity. Without a common culture, a community may sooner or later
disintegrate losing its identity.

2) Interrelation and interaction are conditioned by culture. In fact,
culture both safeguards the integrity of a community and plays an
instrumental role in promoting and enhancing relations between communities,
religions and civilizations. Through culture manifold features of
communities enter in dynamic interaction. Mutual impacting is integral to
this process.

3) Culture is the self-expression of a person or community in time and
space, and it is essential for human survival. Preserving culture means
preserving community, and preserving community means preserving culture.
Culture cannot live without people and people cannot perpetuate without
having a distinct culture. History is full of concrete cases.

4) Culture is a force which can be used in contradictory ways. It can become
a source of prosperity and creativity. It can also lead to self-contained
existence and marginalization. It can become a decisive factor for unity and
survival. It can also generate discrimination and violence. Although this
ambiguity is inherent in culture, it is largely due to misuse and abuse of
culture. Hence, the inner renewal of culture is crucial.

5) Culture must respond to the challenges and changing conditions of its
environment and time. To remain relevant, reliable and credible, culture
must reflect the realities of its time and place. When a culture becomes a
museum of ancient heritage, it loses its responsiveness. When a culture
stagnates, it loses its creativity. Culture is renewed when it is in a
dynamic process of realistic self-assessment, critical dialogue with its
milieu, and creative openness to new horizons.

Indeed, this is how we perceived our culture and its role in Armenian
Cilicia (11th to 14th Centuries) which became the first Armenian organized
diaspora. Our experience in Cilicia is a model and a point of reference in
the context of the global Armenian diaspora.

In a globalized world, which destroys all cultural norms and patterns and
promote a mono-culture, its own culture, we as Armenians must stick firmly
to our centuries-old cultural values and traditions, paradigms and norms.
But how? In fact, being directly exposed to the forces and values of the
culture of globalization, on the one hand, and affirming our own culture, on
the other hand, is not easy. Indeed, a globalized Armenianess is arising
with globalization. Armenian diaspora is a global reality; it has also its
contextual expressions. How to engage in creative dialogue these two
dimensions which affect the way we perceive and articulate our identity.
This requires strategy and vision. We face this challenge daily and
existentially. Let me share with you my perspectives.-

a) We cannot stop the steady penetration of globalization into our life. We
must be realistic. All aspects of our individual and community life are
strongly impacted by globalization. The repercussions of radical changes and
developments taking place in almost all areas of society will continue to
affect our life. But we must not blindly appropriate the changes and values
offered by globalization. We must know how to dialogue critically and
responsibly with this new culture.

b) Dialoguing with globalization is risky; it is both enriching and
distorting. If dialogical interaction with globalization takes place with a
profound self-awareness of who we are as Armenians, then it makes our
culture more creative and dynamic. If openness towards the culture of
globalization is not underpinned by a firm conviction of the crucial
importance of our cultural and spiritual heritage for the survival of our
people, then it becomes a source of alienation.

c) We must dialogue with globalization in order to keep our culture from
becoming parochial. We cannot live in isolation; isolation generate loss of
identity. Opening our traditions and values to globalization will give to
Armenian culture broader perspectives and new insights. It will also
strengthen the inner resistance of our culture. Our experience in Armenian
Cilicia is a concrete example.

d) Dialoguing with globalization will not only promote interactive
approaches; it will also challenge our culture to renew itself. By renewal I
do not simply mean change. Renewal will make Armenian culture more
perceptive and receptive, more relevant and meaningful to modern Armenian
man and woman. I consider this an absolute necessity and an urgent priority.

e) Dialoguing generates tolerance. In fact, tolerance has been a
characteristic feature of Armenian culture. This inherent character of our
culture, which acquired tangible expression in the Cilician period of our
history, needs to be emphasized and given concrete manifestation. Indeed,
preserving the ethos and identity of our culture is the cardinal task of
each Armenian. Yet, we must accept and respect others’ cultures, and the
dignity and freedom of others.

Reactive cultures will sooner or later die.

Exclusivism will make culture a source of enslavement.

Parochialism will not protect culture; it will make it more vulnerable.

Faithfulness will lose its true meaning, if it is not translated into
critical and creative openness.

If a culture does not undergo a continuous process of evolution and renewal,
it will become history. Likewise, if a nation does not remain faithful to
its culture, it will disappear from the arena of history. Therefore, it is
through FAITHFULNESS and OPENNESS, that the Armenian youth will be able to
preserve our cultural heritage, the source of our identity, becoming at the
same time an integral part of broader society.


January 2008
Antelias, Lebanon

The Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia is one of the two Catholicosates of
the Armenian Orthodox Church. For detailed information about the history and
the mission of the Cilician Catholicosate, you may refer to the web page of
the Catholicosate, The Cilician
Catholicosate, the administrative center of the church is located in
Antelias, Lebanon.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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