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Democratic Party Against Armenian Pan National Movement Candidate


20:25 04/02/2008

Today Aram Sargsyan, the leader of the Armenian Democratic Party
announced that the party held a meeting in February 2 and made a
decision not to support to any president candidate. He said "The
present system of carrying out the presidential elections won’t allow
to hold transparent and fair elections. Now we don’t see any candidate
who could hold policy in accordance to our principles".

As for not supporting the present authorities, he answered, "It is
not clear whether Robert Kocharyan is going to leave the politics. He
is fond of the created system and politics, and I doubt if they would
like to make any changes".

Sargsyan also said that his party refuses the return of the former
authorities. He said that they have some political disputes on inner
economic system, foreign affairs and other similar questions.

The party’s leader said that his followers could vote for any candidate
except the candidate of Armenian Pan National Movement. He said that
the party has strict views on the latter party, and if a member of
theirs announces about supporting Levon Ter-Petrosyan, then he should
be moved away.

Nargizian David:
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