Appeal From Javakheti


Lragir, Armenia
Feb 7 2008

A-INFO has released an appeal through the internet on February
7 which was signed by the council of Armenian organizations of
Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kvemo-Kartli. The appeal is addressed to
the citizens of Armenia who come from Javakheti and the adjacent
territories and concerns the presidential election of Armenia.

First the authors of the statement regret they cannot take part in
building and development of the Armenian state, then say Armenia
is the home of Armenians worldwide, and equally belongs to all the
Armenians. Then the appeal is voiced which calls for voting the
activist on February 19 who has included in his election program
and together with his political party has always fought for "the
resolution of the problems of Javakheti in accordance with the
aspirations of Armenians."

"The only way for prosperity and strength of the homeland and new
victories is the unity of the Armenians worldwide, the political force
which has a plan to reach that goal, a leader who is able to prefer the
national interest to the personal interest. Dear compatriots, there
is such a political force – the Armenian Revolutionary Federation –
and such a person – Vahan Hovanisyan – who is ready to assume the
difficult and responsible job of the president of Armenia and is full
of determination to achieve new victories," runs the statement.