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EU speaks out for dialogue with CSTO


EU speaks out for dialogue with CSTO
07.02.2008 13:57 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The European Union speaks out for
dialogue with the CSTO for ensuring security in the
region,’ EU special representative for Central Asia
Pierre Morel said at a meeting with CSTO Secretary
General Nikolay Bordyuzha.

The talks focused on combating terrorism, extremism,
trafficking in people, illegal weapon and drug

`It was decided to brisk up contacts with regional
organizations functioning in Central Asia,’ Mr Morel

The parties agreed to join efforts to ensure stability
and security in the region,’ said a statement issued
by the CSTO Secretariat press office.

The Organization brings together Armenia, Belarus,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and

Tumanian Talar:
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