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Through thick and thin and copper pipes

Through thick and thin and copper pipes

09-02-2008 14:27:24 – KarabakhOpen

Fires usually occur in summer but New Year also gave us a surprise.
Since the beginning of 2008 serious problems with water supply have
started, which were followed by fires.

According to the head of the department of public relations of the NKR
Rescue Service Armen Narimanyan, in January 12 cases of fire were
reported in the capital.

`Most cases followed after the air temperature had dropped low and
water pipes froze. Fires were caused by efforts to unfreeze pipes,’
runs the information of the Rescue Service.

Over this period people went through fire, water and copper pipes.
Besides their duties, the fire engines of the Rescue Service carry
water for people. Armen Narimanyan says in January the rescuers were
called for 41 times. There were also cases of transportation of sick

Hunanian Jack:
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