BAKU: Deliberate "Mistake"

R. Manafli

Feb 12 2008

The way the map of South Caucasus published on site of British Council,
on which the Upper Garabagh was shown as Armenian territory was
called in Azerbaijan Incident connected with the map of South Caucasus
published on official internet site of British Council on which the
Upper Garabagh is shown as Armenian territory is settled. Head of
press service of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Khazar
Ibrahim, informed "Echo" about.

We should underline that Day.Az received letter of reader who paid
attention to the map of Armenia published on official site of British
Council. On the map of South Caucasus made by educated professionals
of British Council one can see that occupied regions of Azerbaijan,
particularly, the ones belonging to the Upper Garabagh and part of
Geranboy region called by separatists as "Shaumyan region of the
Upper Garabagh" are shown as Armenian territories. Moreover, English
version map gives Armenian-style writing of Nakhchivan – Nachijevan,
at the same time belonging of this territory to Azerbaijan is not
indicated. "The fact that Armenian dreamers with "deep" knowledge
of political geography "have forgotten" to indicate 3 Azerbaijani
exclaves – one Karki to the west from Sadarak and 2 other exclaves
referring to Gazakh region is also noticeable. At the same time
amnesia suddenly disappears when the case concerns Armenian exclave –
Arzvashen situated in the center of Gedabey region of Azerbaijan. So,
again everything is done Armenia-like".

We should remind to readers that British Council is section of UK
government involved in the spread of British culture outside Britain.

Centers of British Council are functioning in 110 countries and
territories. Formally British Council is a part of UK Ministry of
Foreign Affairs. At the same time British Council is reportedly
governed and worked independently from Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
though in close cooperation with it. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Azerbaijan promptly responded to ignorance of political geography
by British Council. As Khazar Ibrahim informed "Echo" "Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan dealt with the issue thoroughly in
order to correct this gross mistake in a short period of time. Right
after coming of this information Ministry of Foreign Affairs applied to
British Council. Representatives of British Council promised to correct
mistake in short time. In a half an hour Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Azerbaijan got the answer that mistake was corrected and in 2-3 hours
internet site would be updated with no map of such kind". In turn
marketing director of British Council in Azerbaijan, Elman Sofiyev,
informed that position of British Council is the same as the one of UK
government, asserting that territory of the Upper Garabagh is integral
part of Azerbaijan and they would call Armenia-based office to remove
the map. To the question who published the map – Armenia-based office
or UK – Sofiyev answered that it is the act of Armenia-based office.

MM deputy, deputy chairman of MM standing commission on defense
and security, member of political council of ruling party "Yeni
Azerbaijan", Aydin Mirzazade, said that time from time in some parts of
the world in directory books, maps internet sites the Upper Garabagh
occupied by Armenian separatists is shown either as part of Armenia
or independent state and sometimes Nakhchivan is referred to Armenia.

In this case, following Azerbaijani parliament member, the question
arises: "Are map makers really so ignorant in political geography
or they are making map at their discretion with no use of official
data?" Accordingly to him, Armenian diaspora can be traced in
such deeds. "These people are able to find the place in different
institutes, centers etc, I hold that it is not simply mistake but
deliberate work of Armenian diaspora and its representatives", Aydin
Mirzazade declared.

However, MM deputy said that despite it representatives of Armenian
diaspora know that sooner or later such mistakes will be corrected
and removed. "Azerbaijani specialists are following such processes
and prevent such deliberate mistakes".