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MFA: FM Oskanian participates in EU – BSEC Ministers Joint Meeting

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Minister Oskanian participates in EU – BSEC Ministers Joint Meeting

Armenia’s Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian is in Kiev to participate in a
Special Session of the EU and Black Sea Economic Cooperation Foreign
Ministers Meeting.

During the meeting, where Ukraine’s President Viktor Yuschenko made the
opening remarks, the ministers discussed deeper cooperation between the
countries of the two regions in the areas of energy, ecology and transport.
Minister Oskanian’s statement at that meeting focused on the challenges and
opportunities of such collaboration.

The Ministers passed a joint declaration at the conclusion of the session.
During the conference, Minister Oskanian signed a Memorandum of
Understanding on the development of waterways in the Black Sea region.

Within the margins of the conference, Minister Oskanian held several
bilateral meetings. He met with Georgia’s newly-appointed Foreign Minister
David Bakradze and discussed issues of concern to the two countries, noting
the two sides’ commitment to deepen relations and to support mutually
beneficial projects in all areas. Acknowledging the two countries’ differing
approaches to conflict settlement, they reaffirmed that they would continue
to be circumspect in their policies, intending to buttress as much as
possible Armenia-Georgia relations which is at the basis of South Caucasus
stability. Minister Oskanian highlighted that it is important for both
countries to be engaged in regional transport programs. The two colleagues
also spoke about current international issues including Kosovo’s expected
declaration of independence and its consequences. Also, the Georgian
Minister presented prospects for Georgian-Russian relations.

Minister Oskanian also met with Serbia’s Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic. The
two highlighted the friendly relations between the two peoples. They
discussed the Kosovo issue and related developments, the approaches of
interested parties on the settlement of existing conflicts. Minister
Oskanian spoke about domestic Armenian issues, including the upcoming
presidential elections.

Minister Oskanian’s meeting with Ukraine’s new Foreign Minister, Vladimir
Ogrizko is expected on February 15. -0-
************************************************** ******************************Statement of H.E. Mr. Vartan Oskanian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of theRepublic of Armenia at the Special Session of the EU and Black Sea EconomicCooperation Foreign Ministers Meeting.A few months ago we gathered in a similar format, with a similarly broadgeographic base, to solidify the potential for cooperation and collaborationoffered by the ENP between EU members and other countries.Our challenge at this meeting is in many ways tougher. Today we want tobuild on the fact that throughout the Black Sea region, we share history andcivilization and values with Europe. This should make it possible thereforeto solidify cooperation and collaboration. Our histories overlapped in thecenturies when the world was much bigger than it is today. In today’sshrinking world, it is inevitable that our interests too, will overlap. Herethen is the opportunity and the challenge: to advance together when thoseint
erests coincide, and to avoid confrontation where those interests clash.It’s interesting that what we call the Black Sea today, in the ancient mapswas known as the Inhospitable Sea. Then, only a conscious name change,motivated by a clear intent, transformed it into the Hospitable Sea as itwas known for centuries.The BSEC philosophy has been to include all those who depend on and benefitfrom the Black Sea, even when sometimes policies and approaches differ.Still, by bringing even divergent states together, the chances and why not,the obligation, to cooperate multiplies. And the capacity of our members andour organization to act, not just respond; to initiate, not just submit,that capacity grows.As true as that theory is, it is also true that cooperation within BSEC hasnot reached optimal levels, that we have not lived up to the Cooperationpart of our name. But if we were not able, or willing, to shoot for thegreater good for our own sakes, perhaps we can do so through the op
portunityof a new role of bridge between Europe and Europe’s neighbors, between ourneighbors and Europe.Therefore, the Black Sea is not just a body of water, but a definition of apotential geopolitical role in a modern world. Before it was the focus ofour geopolitical and strategic attention, it was the thoroughfare connectingcontinents and peoples.Today’s discussion is about connecting markets and values, institutions andexperiences, thus protecting and promoting stability, prosperity, democracyand security of the countries around and near the Black Sea region and thusin and around Europe.The EU’s individual approach toward member countries and neighborhoodcountries will be complemented by this regional approach. This too isenglargement of a sort, but enlargement of a vision and of methodology – ofworking together towards specific objectives for the common good.Armenia will chair BSEC in the second half of this year, and we look forwardto continuing to serve as a bridge bet
ween our old neighbors, our neighbors.For the recording of Minister’s statement clink the links below. edia/20080214_vo_kiev.rmhttp://www.armeniaforeignm inistry.com/multimedia/20080214_vo_kiev.wma

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Jabejian Elizabeth:
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