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Canadians Will Also Participate In Investigation


14 February, 2008

The RA President Robert Kocharyan convened an extraordinary meeting in
regard with the air crash of the plane of "Belavia" Company carrying
out Yerevan-Minsk flight. The Head of the President’s Administrations,
General Prosecutor, Police representatives, National Security Service
and heads of General Department of Civil Aviation, deputy ministers
of Foreign Affairs participated in the meeting.

The Head of General Department of Civil Aviation presented the details
of the air crash, pointing out that at 4.15 a.m. the CRJ-100 plane
belonging to "Belavia" Company turned to the left while carrying out
Yerevan-Minsk flight and stroke on the runway.

Then a fire broke out on the plane.

Owing to the effective activated of the Aviation Security Service
and firemen, 18 passengers and 3 staff members were evacuated
immediately. They were taken to hospital after receiving first medical
aid at the airport. 6 passengers have got trivial injures and nothing
threatens their lives.

The President tasked the Minister of Health to follow the state of
the injured and provide them with necessary medical aid.

He tasked the legal bodies to carry out the investigation of the
accident together with Aviation Services.

An investigation will be organized together with Intergovernmental
Aviation Committee, involving the experts from Belarus and Canada.

Madatian Greg:
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