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European Integration Is Highly Important For Armenia And Karabakh


14-02-2008 12:44:32

Interview of the chair of the European Integration NGO (Armenia)
Karen Bekaryan with Karabakh-Open.com

Mr. Bekaryan, what is the role of the pro-European direction in the
foreign policies of the South Caucasian states, namely Armenia?

The pro-European direction has a special role in foreign policies of
the South Caucasian countries. In Georgia, European integration has
been declared the main benchmark of the foreign policy. In Azerbaijan
this direction is not the main one, and in Armenia which has declared
a complementary policy, European integration is one of the priorities.

Do European values contradict to national priorities?

I don’t thinks so. I think we have much in common, alike. The question
is whether our elite work toward establishment, dynamic development
of our national values and do not oppose them to European values. I
think there are no major controversies.

What role could Europe have in the settlement of the Karabakh issue?

You already know that the OSCE Minsk Group mediates the settlement
of the Karabakh issue. The European community also has a role,
which is gradually increasing. If we add major controversies between
the United States and Russia to this, the role of Europe could be
described as mediatory. I think this role will grow more important,
and the contribution of the EU Representative for the South Caucasus
will be great because his mandate involves settlement of conflicts.

What is the role of the non-governmental sector in bringing the
Caucasus and Europe closer?

The non-governmental sector may have an important role because
it facilitates cooperation between societies. Confidence is built
through the non-governmental sector. The Armenian and Azerbaijani
NGOs have partners in the European countries. It enables talking
about the prospects of bringing our societies closer. The problem is
initiative. I think we lack initiative.

What are the main factors which hinder integration of Armenia with

There are both objective and subjective reasons. Our foreign political
stance and strategic partnership with Russia are among objective

Many people, including politicians, think that one should necessarily
replace the other, and if the pro-European direction becomes stronger,
problems with Russia will occur. There are also subjective factors. Our
society is unaware of the procedure of European integration. There
is no demand on behalf of the society, and not because of the lack
of interest in the society but because our governments, our partners
do not provide sufficient information. In think European integration
is highly important for Armenia and Karabakh because we live in the
21st century. In the century of globalization a country cannot develop
in separation. And if we can see the system fo values which is close
to us, in which we feel comfortable and we can develop, there is no
alternative to European integration.

Tambiyan Samvel:
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