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Interview With Dicrector Of British "Populus" Andrew Cooper

Interview by Armen Manvelian

AZG Armenian Daily

Presidential elections

The poll results of the British famous "Populus" and their publication
caused different explanations and doubts. In order to dispel doubts
"Azg" daily met with the Director of "Populus" Andrew Cooper who
answered our questions with pleasure.

"Azg" daily – "Populus" cooperated with Armenian Sociologists
Association to conduct the polls in Armenia. Why do you especially
cooperate with that organization, and do you trust in it?

Mr. Cooper – We define the methodologies, the questions. The poll
conducted Armenian Sociologists Association (ASA). We conducted
independent checks.

After the people were interviewed, we telephoned some of them and
they said what the ASA reported. The ASA polled for us a year ago
before Parliamentary Elections, which was very accurate. We have no
reason to doubt them.

Azg" daily – As we know, you are going to conduct another poll and
an Exit poll as well.

Mr. Cooper – Yes, we are going to conduct two other polls – a poll
straight of the election and an Exit poll, by request of Armenian
Public TV.

"Azg" daily – How much was the poll controlled by your organization,
especially in the provinces?

Mr. Cooper – Our control was due to proportion of the interviews
and the proportion of the people interviewed. We checked up all
randomly from England to be sure if the reports of ASA correspond to
reality. There is no reason to doubt that these polling methods work;
for example, the results of the poll of RA parliamentary elections
last year.

Azg" daily – Analyzing the results of the poll what do you think will
the elections have one or in any case two rounds?

Mr. Cooper – We can’t say for sure. According to our results, Serge
Sargsian will get between 48 and 53 percent. It means that if he
gets under 50 percent there will be a second round. However, polls
can’t be more accurate as about 15 percent of the questioned said
they probably would vote but they didn’t know who they would vote for.

Azg" daily – As we know, you conduct similar polls in other countries,
too. Did you face mistrust in other countries as well?

Mr. Cooper – Yes, we faced it in every country we polled. Anyway, we
don’t have interests in Armenian elections. We have a high reputation
and we are not going to risk it.

Azg" daily – They say people are afraid of expressing their opinions
in Armenia. Did you face that kind of problem?

Mr. Cooper – Some people everywhere don’t like to say what they really
think. 10 percent of the questioned in Armenia didn’t want to answer
any question. It’s normal.

Azg" daily – Thank you for interview, Mr. Cooper.

Mr. Cooper – Thank you, too.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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