Leader of "Republic" urges members of RPA to question PM on Oct. 27

Leader of "Republic" party urges members of RPA to ask Prime Minister
"Is there anybody behind the terrorist act of Oct 27 1999?"

2008-02-16 14:59:00

ArmInfo. During the ongoing rally of the supporters of presidential
candidate Levon Ter-Petrossyan, the leader of "Republic" party Aram
Sargsyan, the brother of Vazgen Sargsyan, the prime minister of Armenia
killed during a terrorist act in the parliament on Oct 27 1999, urged
the members of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia to ask the
present prime minister Serzh Sargsyan: "Is there anybody behind the
act?" Many of the present members of RPA joined the party on the urge
of Vazgen Sargsyan and, if they want to know whether their conscience
is clear before Vazgen Sargsyan or not, they must ask Serzh Sargsyan
the above question. "If you are satisfied with his response and if you
see that your conscience is actually clear, then you may vote for him,"
Aram Sargsyan said.