BAKU: Will do best to develop Ukraine-Azerbaijan intergov relations

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb 18 2008

Burzu Aliyev: I will do my best for the development of
Ukraine-Azerbaijan intergovernmental relations

[ 18 Feb 2008 14:55 ]

Kyiv. Laura Jabrayilli-APA. Ukraine’s Deputy Fuel and Energy
Minister, our countryman Burzu Aliyev interviewed by APA

Profile. Burzu Aliyev was born in Aghdam region of Azerbaijan in
1965. He graduated from the faculty of informatics and computer
engineering of Kyiv Technical Institute in 1993 and International
Business School of Kyiv Magellan Academy in 1999. He is an
international economist. Burzu Aliyev had been head of financial
department of Ukraine’s ACME company. He had been appointed Ukraine’s
Deputy Fuel and Energy Minister on February 13 this year. He is
married, has two children.

-When did you move to Ukraine?
-I came to this country for military service in 1983. Later I decided
to stay and get higher education here. In 1993 I graduated from the
faculty of informatics and computer engineering of Kyiv Technical
Institute. In 1999 I graduated from International Business School of
Kyiv Magellan Academy and became international economist. I started
my career and I got married. Once I felt I was a Ukrainian. This is a
-How did you start your career?
-I worked here when I was a student. I used to unload wagons, I
studied well and wanted to dress well. I held different posts after
graduated the institute. I can say that I am a professional in my
sphere. As I arrived in Ukraine, I considered myself the citizen of
this country. I am glad to be one of the first citizens of
independent Ukraine.
-When did you become the member of Our Ukraine party? Do you know
President Victor Yushchenko closely?
-I do not know President Victor Yushchenko closely, of course I know
him as president, and he knows that I am an entrepreneur. I am not
the member of any party yet, but I have been cooperating with Our
-How were you appointed to this post? Who offered you the post?
-I was nominated from the bloc `Our Ukraine People’s Self-Defence’ in
the recent parliamentary elections. After the parliamentary elections
the bloc established a coalition with the party of present Prime
Minister Yuliya Timoshenko and formed the new government. I was
offered a post in the new government and I agreed.
-What steps do you plan to take to bring Ukraine and Azerbaijan
-Peoples of Ukraine and Azerbaijan are very close. Ukraine is one of
those countries which have unanimous attitude towards Azerbaijan.
These countries have close cooperation in the framework of GUAM. The
idea of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic to build an oil
refinery in Ukraine was hailed. I have just taken the office, and to
tell the truth I am not acquainted with the spheres that I will deal
with well enough, and that’s why I can not promise anything at
present. I am responsible for 21 departments. It is very difficult. I
can only say that I will do my best for the development of
Ukraine-Azerbaijan intergovernmental relations.
-President Yushchenko stated that the solution of `frozen conflicts’
is important in the cooperation of Black Sea countries. Nagorno
Karabakh conflict is one of these conflicts. How do you imagine the
solution of this conflict?
-Azerbaijan is a country which has specific weight in the region.
This country is known as a leader of the Caucasus in Eastern Europe.
Azerbaijan acts in this direction. If Azerbaijani economy becomes
stronger, its army will also be strong. Policy pursued by Azerbaijani
President is true and I support this policy.
-How do you appreciate the importance of project of
Odessa-Brodi-Plotsk-Gdansk pipeline for Ukraine and Europe?
I appreciate it. Ukraine is an Eastern Europe country. Such projects
will help it to be close to European standards.
-Which arguments can be used for transportation of Azerbaijani oil,
as well as Kazakh oil via this pipeline?
I am not ready to answer to this question. I will do my best for
participation of Kazakhstan in this project.
-How are your relations with Azerbaijan at present? Have you got any
friends in motherland?
-All Azerbaijanis are my friends. I express my gratitude to all
citizens who congratulated me on my appointment. I follow all
information about Azerbaijan. I watch Azerbaijani TV channels at
home. I was a representative of 1st congress of World Azerbaijanis
and honorary guest o f 2nd congress. I am happy that, Azerbaijani
economy and policy develops rapidly.
-I hear that, you like mugam very much. You listen to mugam at home
and in the car.
-This love is connected with my motherland. I consider mugam a pearl
of world music. I like all mugam singers. I watched all programs of
mugam competition carried out with financial support of Heydar Aliyev
Foundation. I released 2 CDs of unforgettable Sakhavat Mammadov in
Kyiv and I will release all his performances till autumn. It will be
a present for 55th jubilee of Sakhavat Mammadov. I am interested in
Azerbaijani literature. I knew poets of Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh by heart
before. I read the book `Tochki’ of Gulu Agsas at present. I gave his
book to all my colleagues here.