Levon Ter-Petrosyan Seems to Reproach The West


22:34:15 – 23/02/2008

The stance of the international observers on the Armenian presidential
election and particularly the re-count of votes, when the government
refuses to meet the demand of the opposition to re-count the votes in
300 polling stations allow the first president of Armenia Levon
Ter-Petrosyan to give a negative evaluation of the stance of the West.

At least, Levon Ter-Petrosyan stated February 23 at the Square of
Freedom that their stance allows him stating that the West is not
interested in democracy in Armenia, a democratic government,
intellectual government in Armenia because it does not want the
government of Armenia to talks to them on equal terms, but wants a weak
and servile government.

Levon Ter-Petrosyan said as a political figure, as the first president
and scientist he has the right to make such a statement because logic
prompts which stems from the stance of the international observers.
Levon Ter-Petrosyan apologized to the observers and the organizations
they represent for this evaluation but said the international
organizations which are for free expression of opinion should accept
his right for such an opinion.