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Aram Karapetyan Suspected In False Denunciation Of President And Pri


25.02.2008 00:54 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Aram Karapetyan, the leader of New Times party,
is still kept in a cell of the National Security Service.

Karapetyan’s lawyer Harutyun Baghdasaryan said he was detained for
a 3-day term. A criminal case in compliance with article 333 of the
RA Penal Code was initiated against him. The article provides for
punishment for false denunciation of President Robert Kocharian and
Prime Minister Serzh Sarsgyan who allegedly planned to swap Meghri
for independence of Nagorno Karabakh.

Karapetyan claims this was not accusation but ‘statement of the
question’. DVDs with Karapetyan’s speeches have been already submitted
as evidence, the lawyer said.

Meanwhile New Times spokesman Emanuel Margaryan said that Karapetyan
is accused of false denunciation because he touched on the intention
of the authorities to cede Meghri. "Mr Karapetyan said that "according
to a special plan, evacuation of the population as well as construction
works amounting to $4,6 million were plotted. That is why he requested
the prosecutor general’s office, the parliament and the National
Security Service for explanation," IA Regnum reports.

Article 333 of the RA Penal Code supposes false information on a
crime which is designedly false. The articles provides for a penalty
amounting to 400 minimal salaries, arrest from one to three months or
imprisonment up to 2 years. The same deed aggravates by fabrication
of evidence or for mercenary ends supposes up to 5 years in prison.

Earlier, the Police confirmed the arrests of former deputy prosecutor
general Gagik Jahangiryan, his brother Vardan Jahangiryan and their

Republic party political council member Smbat Ayvazyan, his two
attendants as well as bodyguards of MP Khachatur Sukiasyan were
also detained.

Vardanian Garo:
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