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BAKU: Accounts of Fraud During Presidential Elections in Armenia

Trend News Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb. 25, 2008

Accounts of Fraud During Presidential Elections in Armenia: ICG
25.02.08 14:40

Azerbaijan, Baku 25 February / corr TrendNews K.Ramazanova / There
have been accounts of fraud in the Armenian elections including
ballot stuffing and problems in the vote count and compilations, the
International Crisis Group (ICG) considers.

`It is extremely important that the CEC and courts review all
complaints and appeals,’ Sabina Freizer, the ICG European Programs
Director, told TrendNews over the telephone on 25 February.

Presidential elections were held in Armenian on 19 February with the
participation of nine candidates. According to preliminary accounts
by the CEC, the Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sarkisian won the
election during the first round of polls gaining 52.86% of votes.
Supporters of the former Armenian President Levon Ter Petrosian, who
was second due to the amount of votes, continues endless protest
action in the center of Yerevan. Organizers and participants in
opposition actions express their disagreement to the results of the
polls published by the CEC.

According to Freizer, election officials involved in fraud need to be
held accountable, in other words they need to be sentenced through
the courts if they have done anything criminal in the elections

Protestors who are now demonstrating peacefully should be allowed to
continue to do so, Freizer said.

Chalian Meline:
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