BAKU: Ambassador: Japan says it is important NK to be solved…

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb 20 2008

Ambassador: Japan says it is important Nagorno-Karabakh problem
should be solved within the internationally approved border based on
the principle of territorial integrity ¨C EXCLUSIVE

[ 20 Feb 2008 13:24 ]

Baku. Lachin Sultanova-APA. Ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan
Masamitsu Oki interviewed by APA

– Is Japan satisfied with the existing political, economic and
humanitarian relations between Azerbaijan and Japan?

– Now the relations between Azerbaijan and Japan are excellent in the
various fields. The Joint statement announced in March 2006, on the
occasion of the visit of the President H.E. Ilham Aliyev, indicated
direction of the bilateral relations. Economic Relations have been
enhanced. High-level visits were carried out. There have also been
political dialogues. I would like to promote these excellent
relations even better. So not only in economic and political
relations, I would like to broaden the scope of relations in culture,
sports, tourism and environment.

– Azerbaijan¡¯s state officials have visited Japan two times. Are
there any high level visits expected from Japan to Azerbaijan as

– Last year in August, Ms. Midori Matsushima, Parliamentary Secretary
of Foreign Affairs visited Azerbaijan and had fruitful meetings with
high rank officials.

I would like to promote this kind of high level official visits in
the future.

– There have been held two meetings under Japan-GUAM format, in
addition there was organized a seminar in Japan for energy
specialists from GUAM member countries. In what way will this
cooperation be continued?

Is Japan going to get a status of observer in GUAM?

– Japan is now studying the possibilities to cooperate with GUAM in
the various fields, including energy saving, environmental issues,
tourism and so on. In this connection I think programs for the man
Resource Development are most important.

Regarding the observer status, it seems to me that the scheme
¡°GUAM£«Japan¡&#xB 1; is something more than the observer status.

– What is the official stance of Tokyo regarding Nagorno Karabakh
conflict and the occupation of 20 percent of Azerbaijan¡¯s territory
by Armenia?

– 1. The position of the Japanese Government is that it is important
that Nagorno-Karabakh problem should be solved within the
internationally approved border based on the principle of territorial

2. Meanwhile, Japan has implemented assistance to improve the life of
IDPs from Nagorno-Karabakh.

– What issues will be given the priority to at the 5th meeting of
Azerbaijan-Japan Joint Economic Committee that is going to be held in

– First of all, I would like to touch upon the nature of this

This is a joint meeting between Japan-Azerbaijan Economic Committee
and Azerbaijan-Japan Economic Committee. Japan-Azerbaijan Economic
Committee is composed of Japanese private companies only, whereas the
member of Azerbaijan-Japan Economic Committee is basically made up of
officials in Ministries of Azeri Government and State Companies such
as SOCAR and Azerenergy. In this sense this is a very unique
committee, and the basic position of our Government is to provide
supplementary support to the smooth activity of Joint Economic
Committee. Taking this position into account, I understand that the
priority agenda item of the next Committee in Tokyo is to materialize
the momentum of the last Committee that was held in Baku in November
2006 after five years¡¯ interval. The second day of the Committee is
reserved mainly for the bilateral business talks between Japanese
private companies and relevant Azeri Ministries and State Companies.
I hope each participant will make the best use of this opportunity to
enhance actual joint projects.

– Are Japan¡¯s oil companies satisfied with their participation in
Azerbaijan¡¯s oil projects? Do they plan to extend the scope of their
activity in Azerbaijan?

– As far as I know, it seems that two Japanese companies
participating in ACG oil field project, INPEX and ITOCHU, highly
appreciate the current performance of the project. In addition,
whenever Japanese companies take an interest in doing business
further in oil sector in Azerbaijan, the Embassy is always ready to
support these companies.

– In what stage is the construction project of the second steam gas
power station unit in ¡°Shimal¡±?

– I have been informed by Japan Bank for International Cooperation
that it is in the middle of tendering process. I hope that the winner
of the tender will soon be announced by Azerenergy, and the
construction of the second unit of ¡°Shimal¡± gas combined cycle
plant will be started accordingly.

– Azerbaijan plans to establish special economic and innovation zones
in future. What assistance can Japan provide to Azerbaijan?

– I think that Azerbaijan can be very attractive market for Japanese
companies, because of its 8 million populations and fast growing

The Government of Japan has various schemes to assist the foreign
direct investment and trade activities by Japanese companies such as
development finance, export and investment insurance, introduction of
credit lines and so forth. These schemes can also be applicable for
the case that Japanese companies are interested in participating in
the special economic and innovation zones which is going to be
introduced in Azerbaijan in future.

– What are the perspectives of extending the cooperation in
agricultural area? Will the agricultural facilities also be brought
>From Japan to Azerbaijan in the future?

– Japan has implemented its assistance to the agriculture sector in
Azerbaijan chiefly through ¡°Grant Assistance to Underprivileged
Farmers (2KR)¡±.

So far this assistance has been provided for seven times and the
total amount of funds disbursed is approximately 21 million U.S.
dollars. The agricultural machinery procured through this assistance
is 212 tractors, 232 combine harvesters, 354 ploughs and so forth.
According to the statistics, the amount of crops produced in
Azerbaijan since Japan started its assistance has become twice as
much as before. Moreover, Japan provided food assistance through the
World Food Programme for six times, and the total scale of these
projects amounted to 4.6 million U.S. dollars.

Throughout this cooperation, mostly wheat flours are procured and
allocated to the Internal Displaced Persons from Nagorno-Karabakh
region. Apart from these schemes, it is also possible to mobilize our
funds through ¡°Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance
Programme¡± to comparatively small projects proposed by
Non-Governmental Organizations, Local municipalities and Academic

The Embassy is always ready to accept any proposal in this field, and
the project would be implemented when it is regarded as a feasible

– Japan provides assistance to Azerbaijan¡¯s education and social
spheres, provides grant assistance. Are there plans of realization of
any new projects in this area as well?

¨C 1. Japan has implemented its economic cooperation in various
fields. For instance, more than half of Japan¡¯s small scale grant
assistance is designated for education sector such as the
construction of school buildings. In addition, Japan also assists the
rehabilitation of primary health care centres in rural areas as well
as formulating the bigger project in health sector such as the
Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Maternal and Child
Hospitals implemented which amounted to 4.3 million U. S. Dollars.

2. Japan attaches an importance to keeping the balance of the
assistance to accelerate the economic growth of Azerbaijan and the
assistance to alleviate the difficulties of socially vulnerable
people. Our ¡°Grassroots and Human Security Grant Assistance
Programme¡± is especially effective in targeting small scale

3. Japan is willing to assist Azerbaijan in future as well, whenever
there is a feasible project.

– Do Azerbaijani students study in Japan? Japanese is taught in Baku
State University. Is Azerbaijani also taught in Japan?

– £±£® I know that so far 20 students have studied in Japan whom our
Embassy sent to Japan as Japanese Government Scholarship Students.
Which are 10 master degree students, 5 undergraduate students, and 5
Japanese language studies students. In the master degree the fields
of study are medicine, education, mechanical engineering, dentistry
and economy etc. And there are a few Azeri students who are studying
in Japan at his/her own expense.

£²£®Japan has sent a Japanese teacher to Baku State University.
He told me that his students are eager to study Japanese language, at
the same time they were also very interested in Japanese people as

So, we have a Japanese language conversation club once a month at our
Embassy. They can enjoy conversation with Japanese residents in Baku.

£³£®I heard a few private language schools have lessons of
Azerbaijani language in Japan.

– Are there plans of holding any events or exhibitions in the area of

– Last year, we had a number of activities such as demonstration of
Japanese tea ceremony, exhibition of Japanese dolls, Japanese speech
contest and so on.

I would like to continue those exhibitions and other cultural