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BAKU: Azimov: Date of next talks on the settlement of NK TBD

Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
Feb 21 2008

Araz Azimov: Date of next talks on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh
will be determined after presidential elections in Armenia

[ 21 Feb 2008 18:08 ]

Baku Tamara Grigoryeva-APA. `The date of n ext talks will be
determined after the official results of Presidential election in
Armenia’, Araz Azimov, Azerbaijani deputy Foreign Minister said, APA

Deputy Minister noted that, proper condition and preparation are
demanded to hold next meeting with a new Armenian President and
stated that co-chairs should initiate on holding the talks.
`I do not know when co-chairs will visit region,’ he said. Asked
whether the presidential elections will influence to negotiation
process or not he said that, Armenia faces a dilemma. The new
President should appreciate positive and negative features of former
`We hope that, Armenia will choose correct way and understand that,
Armenia and Azerbaijan should remains as a neighbor. It is impossible
to change the geography. Principle of Azerbaijani territorial
integrity has no alternative. It is possible o carry out talks in the
framework of territorial integrity,’ he said.
Azimov took stance on Serzh Sarkisyan’s statements who won
presidential election according to initial results, that, Kosovo can
not be precedent for Nagorno Karabakh conflict and so-called
`Republic’ will be independent. Azimov noted that, Serzh Sarkisyan
and other Armenian officials have a lot of such statements.
`These can not change the reality. Ethic cleansing was carried out in
Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijanis were driven out from there.
Armenians’ statement that they gained `independence ` by holding
so-called `referendum’ can not change the reality.

Tigranian Ani:
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