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ARF Ready To Give Up Government Offices


26.02.2008 15:14

Yerevan (Yerkir) – ARF Supreme Body of Armenia representative
Armen Rustamian and ARF Bureau member Vahan Hovhannesian called
a news conference in the National Assembly today to comment on the
statement issued yesterday by the ARF Supreme Body on the post-election

Rustamian said that the party drew its conclusions on the February 19
presidential election results based exclusively on the own information
received from the regions and electoral commissions. "We are not
disputing the election results because this electoral system is the
main reason that has caused this situation," Rustamian said.

"It showed again that there are two key problems: first, the electoral
system does not ensure for the votes in the ballot boxes to reflect
the real picture of people’s preferences, and that the society’s
possibilities are very limited for preventing election fraud."

Rustamian said that the ARF reiterates its position stated in the 2007
cooperation agreement with the ruling coalition and is ready to give up
the government offices it has. "We are requesting that the coalition
to stop the cooperation," Rustamian said. He said that two artificial
poles have emerged and the ARF’s goal was to act independently,
and now, the party will not act against the one in favor of the other.

Rustamian also said that the party is calling on the confronting
sides to refrain from moves that could escalate the situation. "We are
calling on one side not to attempt any forceful change of the regime,
and we are calling on the other side to respect the opinion of those
who have rightful grounds to doubt the election results and have the
right to express their discontent," he added. He said the party is
ready to assume a mediator’s role between the confronting sides.

Vahan Hovhannesian said that as it was the case in all the previous
elections this time too the fraud cases in several precincts marred
the election and that the authorities have to take real steps to
eliminate them.

He said that the vote buying was widespread. Without elaborating,
he said votes were bought by the thee major presidential candidates,
and it will be the ARF’s goal to address this problem in its future

Tigranian Ani:
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