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Armenian elections found to meet OSCE standards

Interfax, Russia
Russia & CIS
February 20, 2008

Armenian elections found to meet OSCE standards (Part 2)


International election monitors from OSHR have found that the
Armenian elections have met with OSCE standards.

A statement by the OSHR mission was voiced in Yerevan on Wednesday by
Vice President of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly Anne-Marie Lizin, who heads a
short-term mission of OSCE PA election observers.

The statement says that Armenia’s electoral code is in need of
improvement and that the level of citizens’ trust in election
processes should be enhanced.

The Armenian presidential election, held on February 19, were
observed by the OSCE /ODIHR, a mission of the Commonwealth of
Independent States (CIS,) the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the CIS
Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe and the European Parliament.

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