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Armenian TV shows police turning PM supporters away from capital

Public TV, Armenia
Feb. 23, 2008


A group of supporters of Armenian Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan were
prevented by traffic police from enteringYerevan on foot on 22
February. Armenian Public TV showed video of people saying they
wanted to defend the victory ofSerzh Sargsyan in the 19 February
presidential election. Supporters of former President Levon
Ter-Petrosyan have beenholding rallies in Yerevan since 20 February,
saying that the 19 February presidential election was rigged and
demandinga repeat election. The following is the text of the report
by state-owned Armenian Public TV "Haylur" newsbulletin broadcast at
1700 gmt on 22 February:

[Presenter] With the purpose of defending their votes cast in favour
of Armenian president-elect [Serzh Sargsyan]thousands of citizens
>From different regions of the country hit today the road to the
country’s capital. However,persuaded by regional and local
authorities, voters from Armenia’s different regions who voted for
Serzh Sargsyanhad to return to their homes.

They were turned back at the road inspection points guarding the
southern and northern entrances to Yerevan. Thepolice explained this
step by the need to prevent clashes in Yerevan.

[Video shows policemen barring a group of people to continue going on
a road; people are shown saying: We aredefending the candidate Serzh
Sargsyan; We have elected Serzh Sargsyan and demand peace in the
country; Armenia ahead,Levon leave!]

Vardanian Garo:
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