Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian Received The OSCE Chairman-In-Offic

26.02.2008 16:53

On February 26 RA Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian received the OSCE
Chairman-in-Office, Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva.

During the meeting the parties referred to the presidential elections
held in Armenia. The Foreign Minister of Finland informed that visiting
Armenia he had the opportunity to learn about the assessment of the
elections by both the authorities and the opposition, which will
provide the opportunity to get a true notion.

Later the parties dwelt on bilateral relations, noting the great
potential for the development of economic cooperation.

The Ministers discussed issues related to the activity of the OSCE
Office in Armenia and appreciated the programs the Office implements
in our country.

The Foreign Ministers exchanged views on the process of settlement
of the Karabakh conflicts. Ilkka Kanerva noted he fully supports
the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group. Reference was made to the
developments in Kosovo.

Minister Oskanian presented Armenia’s approaches on the normalization
of Armenian-Turkish relations.

The meeting was attended by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly Goran Lenmarker.

The meeting was followed by the joint press conference of the two
Foreign Ministers.