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OSCE CIO Urges To Use Dialogue And Cooperation To Resolve The Challe


26.02.2008 17:15

The OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva,
called today on all sides in Armenia to engage in dialogue to resolve
the tension that surfaced following the 19 February presidential

In meetings with Armenian officials in Yerevan, the Chairman said
the OSCE was ready to continue helping the country as it attempts to
consolidate its democracy and address the existing shortcomings. The
Organization observed the presidential election, and a core team
remains in the country to observe post-election procedures.

"The Armenian authorities are making every effort to ensure
the opportunity of political dialogue, and all the parties – the
political majority and the opposition – must act in a constructive way
using only legal means. This is the only way that will lead Armenia
towards a stable and lasting success," the OSCE Chairman-in-Office,
Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva said during today’s joint
press conference following the meeting with RA Foreign Minister
Vartan Oskanian. According to him, the situation is now complex: the
opposition appeals the election results and the OSCE’s message is
that Armenia should find a way out only via political dialogue and
legal means. The international observers have given a preliminary
assessment. The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
Rights has issued two interim reports based on its observations. The
final report will be publicized in late April. According to
Mr. Kanerva’s assessment, the trustworthiness of the report to be
issued a few months following the elections will be higher.

"We are glad to support Armenia as it further improves election
procedures and legislation. Concrete recommendations on how to do this
will be included in the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights’ comprehensive, final report from the 19 February
elections," he said. "I urge you to view the report as a roadmap to
democratic progress."

The Minister noted the demonstrations held by the opposition for
several days following the election. "I trust that the authorities will
continue to respect the right of citizens to assemble freely and ensure
that public gatherings can take place without hindrance," he said.

Though such demonstrations are part of any vibrant democracy, political
progress can only come through negotiations that involve all sides,
the Chairman said.

"Dialogue and co-operation are the hallmarks of the OSCE, and I call
on you to use these effective tools to resolve the challenges facing
Armenia," he said.

He also called on Armenian leaders to show courage and statesmanship
in the political negotiations that aim to create progress in the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement, noting that the OSCE would
support the results of the negotiations reached between the Presidents
of Armenia and Azerbaijan.

"A peace agreement would be a milestone, but in addition, the
populations on both sides must be prepared for peace through promotion
of friendly and normal contacts across community lines," he said. "The
OSCE is ready to assist both sides in these efforts."

Hunanian Jack:
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